Iowa Public Health Tracking
Iowa Vision Informed Iowans living in healthy communities Iowa Mission Promoting the health of Iowans by providing information through a statewide integrated health and environmental data warehouse.
Providing Information To: Inform Community Health Needs Assessment and Health Improvement Planning processes Influence public health policy development Drive public health programs for prevention and intervention Support program evaluation and continuous quality improvement Identify associations between environmental hazards, exposures, and health outcomes
Data Warehouse System Replacement Provide public access to data Expand secure access options Maximize use of new technology – Modular to include additional data sets – Decrease timeline for updating data – Improve user interaction with data
Demographics Climate Radon Private Water ED
Web based Portal Requirements Data Presentation Nationally Consistent Data Measures Data tables, Graphs, Charts, and Maps Content Messaging What’s being presented and Why Descriptive Metadata Strengths and Limitations for data interpretation Ensure Data Security and Confidentiality Aggregation and Suppression Role Based Access
Portal Navigation Environmental Public Health Tracking Program Iowa Public Health Tracking Portal CDC Public Health Tracking Portal g.action g.action
CDC Website
National Portal