The Development of the English Language Old English => Middle English => Modern English
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Old English a synthetic language with inflections and declensions Indo-European (ca 5000 BC) > Proto Germanic – West Germanic > O.E: Core Germanic vocabulary : mann, wif, cold, hus, land etan, drincan + influences from Celtic =>Avon Latin (Romans + Christianity) => -chester /-wick Old Norse =>- by Old Saxon => –ing (son of; - ham (homestead) – tun (enclosure; - ford (crossing) – bury (fortress)
OE PHONETICS : first condsonant shift IE *pater > OE fæder * dent > to Þ OE SYNTAX A synthetic language with inflections and declensions VERBS: past, presetn, infinitive weak and strong forms
Languages used in Medieval England Anglo- Norman French: court, the legal system, scholars (until 13° century) Latin => church, scholars, liturgy (until 15° c. ) Middle English: common people (home/work), sermons gradually in all contexts by 16° c.
Middle English ( ) ANALYTIC LANGUAGE: –Loss of most inflections/declensions from synthetic to analytic lang. (eg definite article Þe for all cases) –Preference for fixed word order and prepositions RELEXIFICATION Scandinavian (niman> taka> take) French ( frið > pes > peace) Latin (regal) STANDARDIZATION (The London Chancery standard) - educated classes - Used in institutions - Printing Press (William Caxon 1474)
Middle English literature The father of English literature: Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales Written around 1386–1395 First puyblished sometime in the early fifteenth century Originally circulated in hand-copied manuscripts
Narrative collection of poems A group of PILGRIMS leave the Tabard Inn in London to go to Canterbury to visit Thomas Becket’s Shrine Characters from all walks of life: a lively picture of Medieval society (parody, satire). The Canterbury Tales
Modern English pp Since the Renaissance (Shakespeare = early modern English International travel and colonies: borrowings and great vocabulary expansion Samuel Johnson’s Dictionary Use od auxiliaries do/does/did and of continuous forms (since 17th-18th century
English as a global language Reasons: leading role in politics, economics, science, technology, business Varieties: see Am. E p 160 Globish ? = highly simpilfied, unidiomatic, “lingua franca” Internationalisim vs identity: a challange for the future