The St. Vincent de Paul Society Bringing Charity to Life.
Mission Statement The St. Vincent de Paul Society stresses that it’s members should seek the forgotten, the suffering and the deprived and treat them with dignity and compassion. Women and men join together to grow spiritually by offering person-to- person service to the needy and suffering in the tradition of its founder, Blessed Frederic Ozanam, and patron, St. Vincent de Paul. We also call upon Western New York to take an active role in caring for the poor in our community. The Society collaborates with other people of good will in relieving need and addressing its causes, making no distinction in those served.
History The Society was founded by Frederic Ozanam in France in It exists to compassionately serve the most basic needs of the worlds forgotten, the deprived and suffering, in a manner that will restore dignity and self- respect.
History In response to the call of the first Catholic Bishop, Retired Reverend John Timon, the Catholics of the Buffalo diocese incorporated a division of the St. Vincent de Paul Society in Now in the Western New York area, there are more then 90 parishes involved with over 1100 members in the charity.
In Western New York, the Society provides the less fortunate with an assortment of life and hope sustaining programs, including a dining room facility, a clothing, furniture, and household items discount store and a summer camp for underprivileged children.
The Dining Room In March of 1982 some members of the Society opened their doors to feed three needy guests. By the end of that year, the Society had served more than 12,000 meals. Ten years later, the Dining Room of the St. Vincent de Paul Society was serving over 100,000 meals a year. It is the largest commitment to the needy and involves organization, planning, and support from its members and volunteers. Best of all, we have never had to turn anyone away.
The Store Since 1930, the St. Vincent de Paul Society has been answering the need of the poor by providing clothing and household items. It first started out as a warehouse where needy families could seek help. As donations increased, the Society voted to run the depot as a store in an effort to cover operating costs that were using the Society’s funds meant for other programs. Today, it is both a store and a warehouse providing the needy with reconditioned clothing and household items at little or no cost for those in need of them.
Summer Camp The St. Vincent de Paul summer camp is located in Angola. It is a stress free environment in which underprivileged children ages 8-13 can go and enjoy themselves. They mostly come from urban neighborhoods, and here they are given the chance to experience nature and its wonders. More then 50,000 youngsters have been welcomed to the camp and enjoyed the special opportunity to go to camp. Some of the activities include campfires, swimming, nature studies, watching warm summer sunsets over Lake Erie, and making the enduring friendships that build character and trust.
Some more Camp Information The Society continues to maintain and support the camp, providing transportation, food, and lodging. The camping program is a precious gift to the youth of Western New York.
How can you help? You can share in the work of the Society in a variety of ways: working as a volunteer in the dining hall helping in the warehouse sorting clothes being a part of a visitation team, in prisons or hospitals donating food and clothing, furniture and appliances or other house wares financial assistance most importantly your prayers In whatever you choose to do for the less fortunate we serve, be assured that you are doing God’s work. We and all whom we serve, are grateful.
For more information about the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in Buffalo and Western New York, its work, volunteer opportunities, or to contribute: Society of St. Vincent de Paul 1298 Main Street Buffalo, New York Tel: Fax: