1 Co-occurring Alcohol and Other Drug and Mental Health Conditions in Alcohol and other Drug Treatment Settings Session 5: Working Collaboratively Referral and Discharge Planning 1
Comorbidity Guidelines Refer to: Chapter 9 Appendix U
3 3
4 4 An Interesting Quote! “At first glance it appears as if we have discovered a new disease! The question is, can we develop an antidote? Actually, what is really needed is more like a course of thoughtful palm reading…studying the lines that connect the two disorders and trying things out.” (Baigent 2004)
5 5 Key Points for Referral and Discharge Planning Develop links with range of local services and engage them in clients’ treatment where appropriate Important to obtain client consent and to practise assertive follow-up Active referral is preferred process when referring clients with comorbidity Discharge planning in close consultation with client is integral to treatment process
6 6 Services for Consultation Medical services Mental health services Employment services Housing services Social/welfare services PsychiatristsPsychologists Criminal justice services General practitioners Translation/culture specific agencies Social services AOD treatment
7 7 Referral Processes Passive Referral Facilitated Referral Active Referral
8 8 Communicating with Other Services Obtain client’s consent before sharing any information Keep client informed during this process Maintain client confidentiality (e.g. obtain client’s written permission for release of case notes and avoid faxing confidential information)
9 9 Assessment Reports Include only relevant and important information, including reasons for referral Write in a clear, simple,objective writing style Include MSE report if necessary Be concise Always cite source of information eg: “Andrew stated that…; his parents revealed that…”
10 Assessment Reports Consider all sources of information in your conclusions Avoid jargon Eliminate any ambiguous, biased, or judgemental wording Mark all reports “STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL” Avoid faxing confidential information
11 Communicating with Clients about Referral Name, phone no., address of referral service Directions and transportation to and from service appointment What to expect upon arrival at service, along with nature, purpose and value of referral Written material about service Method of contacting AOD worker
12 Discharge Planning Process of equipping clients with skills and contacts to continue progress of treatment and prevent relapse Prepare clients for cessation of treatment Involve clients in discharge planning Link clients with other support services Communicate with relevant services Document discharge plan in client records
13 Factors to Consider When Discharge Planning Stability of accommodation Social support Family and carer involvement (with client’s permission) Relapse prevention and lapse management strategies
14 In Sum… Working with other services is essential to effective management of clients with co- existing AOD and MH concerns Discharge planning needs to involve clients, family/carers and other services Refer to Chapter 9 in the Guidelines for further information 14