Organizational Theory – Part 3 Communication and Culture Chapter 6 Discussion/Recap
Organizational Culture Relationship between communication, individuals, and social context Common frame of reference; language, values, beliefs, interpretations, customs, folkways, communication, rituals, celebrations, myths, etc. (p. 128) Controlled by managers? Employees? Both? Cultures as webs Confining, mobilizing, struggles over meaning A contested reality Subcultures; organization as interconnected webs Imagine classroom as organization Culture?Subcultures? Who created it?
Dr. G’s Experience; Org. Culture CVHS CVCHCDentalNursingDoctors X-ray Front Desk and Medical Records Birthday parties, gossip, loyalty Younger Employees Hanging outside of work, gossiping, loyalty SAFP WHCAFP
Perspectives: T. I. C. Traditionalist Change organization’s culture to make organization more effective Strong culture = members understand and works towards same goals Managerial control Results always negative to employee? (e.g. daycare, social activities, appreciation dinners) Interpretivist Describe organization’s culture; based on members’ meanings Shared meaning Culture emerges from interactions Critical-Interpretivist Meaning generated by organization's members Uncover oppression and sites of power struggle; sometimes unknown to employees Paths to empowerment Merging Perspectives Improves accuracy Results from one used o guide the other Holistic approach Willingness and likelihood? Depends on focus and views
Approaches Reveal meanings and interpretations of org. life Looks at how culture is created, transmitted, and changed via communication Interpretivists and critical-interpretivist most common Approaches Language and Worldview (Sapir-Whorf hypothesis) Knowledge Structures (schema) Consensual and Contested Meanings (countercultures—consider power—example in text of tenured professors) Multiple cultures perspectives (subcultures; depends on size) MetaphorsNarratives Rites and Ceremonies Reflexive Comments (plan, commentary, account) Fantasy Themes
Ben & Jerry’s P Their culture? “…any newly acquired company will retain its consumer base only if it retains its reputation. What do you think? Will Ben & Jerry’s be able to sustain their unique corporate culture? What will need to be done to sustain this culture? What will the major challenges be to sustaining the culture?” (p. 155)