Dannielle Tarbutton
Bursitis in an inflammation or irritation of the bursa caused by repetitive motion injuries in the soft tissue on the outside of a joint Bursitis is commonly found in the shoulder, elbow, knee hip, wrist and ankle. Identified by swelling and pain Tenderness And when it hurts to move a joint
The bursa is a tiny sac filled with fluids that works as a surface on your tissue to avoid friction of the body. The bursa can be easily inflamed from injury There are 160 I bursae in the body
S ymptoms of bursitis include, I rritation and redness of a joint P ain A chy or stiff joint E xcessive swelling F ever of 102 or greater R edness and heat occurring to skin I nability to support body pressure
Usually just resting the injured join will take care of your problem with bursitis. Use ice immediately Anti inflammatory medicines (over the counter) Corticosteroids (steroids) Herbs
N utritional (diet) fresh fruits vegetables whole grains multi vitamin vitamins A C and E H erbal- curcumin, bromelain, ginger, grape seed extract, pine bark extract citrus bioflavonoids H omeopathy- belladonna bryonia and rhus toxicodendron H ydrotherapy- ice, ice and ice! A cupuncture c hiropractic B ody work- yoga and common stretching
P eople often mix up the two A ll though they are very similar, there are different characteristics to show which is which A rthritis is damage and wear to the cartlidge inside of a joint W here as, bursitis is flammation of soft tissue on the outside of a joint
A ge has big role on your risk of having bursitis, the older you get the weaker your tendons are, and the less stress they can handle U sually adults that are 40 years of age or older acquire bursitis mostly in the hip knee shoulder or Achilles tendon.
One way to treat your bursitis is by taking herbs in drink forms like, Boswellia or Humeric Willow. There are over seven types of therapy to help heal bursitis Bursitis can occur in over six parts of the body
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