IPSTAR Broadband Satellite See script: SLIDE1 Dr.Nongluck Phinainitisart President of Thaicom PLC 7 October 2009 1
THAICOM Satellite Fleet (IPSTAR) THAICOM 5 THAICOM 1A Satellite Manufacturer Orbital Slot Launched Transponder Thaicom 1A Boeing, USA 120E Dec 1993 C-12, Ku-3 Thaicom 2 78.5E Oct 1994 C-10, Ku-3 IPSTAR-1 (Thaicom 4) Space System Loral, USA 119.5E Aug 2005 Ku 94 spot beams Thaicom 5 Alcatel Alenia, France May 2006 C-25, Ku-14 SLIDE 4 10/7/2009
IPSTAR: The World’s Largest Commercial Satellite Services started in 2006 Nearly 200,000 in Q3 2009 First hybrid Ku-band/Ka-band satellite Largest Ku-band coverage from a single satellite over 14 countries in Asia-Pacific Integrated space-ground broadband solution World’s heaviest commercial satellite (6.5 tons) Largest capacity breakthrough: 45Gbps, equal to 20 satellites or 1,000 transponders 100+ spot beams on a single satellite Able to serve up to 2 million broadband users, or backhaul for 20-30 million mobile users Backhaul for 20-30 million mobile users SLIDE 6 10/7/2009
IPSTAR User Terminal Product Line Indoor Units iCON Enterprise Series maXX (TCP/A) (consumer priced terminal, design for mass-market scale and reliability) (Heavy-duty design for failsafe operation in harsh environments) (Accelerates all TCP-based traffic, Offloads TCP accelerator processing from IPSTAR Terminal) Maximum Throughput 5 Mbps (Download) 4 Mbps (Upload) SLIDE 9 Outdoor Units Outdoor Unit Portable Antenna Mobile VSAT Vehicle (MVV) (0.84m, 1.2m, 1.8m Antenna) 10/7/2009 4 4
IPSTAR Commercial Rollout: 12 out of 14 Markets India & Taiwan gateways under construction; service launch by 2009 China (3 GW) May 06 Korea (Sep 08) Japan (Apr 09) Myanmar (Dec 05) Vietnam (Nov 05) +GW diversity site Thailand (Oct 05) +GW diversity site SLIDE 8 Philippines (Nov 08) +GW diversity site Malaysia (Sept 08) +GW diversity site Cambodia (Dec 06) +GW diversity site Indonesia (Dec 08) Australia (2 GW) (Nov 05) New Zealand (Nov 05) 10/7/2009 5
Current IPSTAR Deployment & User Segment Statistics Proven and mature IPSTAR ground system technology & IPSTAR broadband service platform 1,001 2,800 8,050 26,000 65,700 104,000 162,000 250,000 - 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 300,000 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009(F) [Note: Percentage by Number of UT ] 10/7/2009 6
Proportion of Consumed Speed (Bit Rate) and ARPU Levels Speed (kbps) Low < 512 Kbps Medium 512 Kbps - up to 2 Mbps High >= 2 Mbps Market ARPU ($USD) Shared CPE or Trunk TH, VN $100 ++ Corporate PH, TH, VN $61 – $100 Consumer TH, NZ, AU, KH $20 – $60 10/7/2009
IPSTAR Key Success Factor Share CPE Cost Bundle with other technologies such as ADSL, WiMAX, Wi-Fi and Mobile trunk Value Added Services Driven by other applications such as IPTV for Digital Signage Training, Healthcare or by other solutions such as Backup solution for Leased line Low Customer Acquisition Lower or subsidy CPE cost (User terminal & Dish) SLIDE 14 10/7/2009
IPSTAR Solutions for Rural Community Tele-Service Center (CTC)
Native Satellite Advantages IPSTAR’s Unique Advantages Unique IPSTAR’s & its Satellite Advantages over other terrestrial or satellite broadband technologies 1. Fast & Flexible Deployment 2. National Uniform Platform 3. Nationwide Anywhere Coverage Native Satellite Advantages 4. Dual Last Mile & Second Mile IPSTAR’s Unique Advantages 5. Dual Broadband & Broadcast 6. All-IP Flexibility & Shared Bandwidth-On-Demand 19/04/60
IPSTAR Benefits for Rural Community IPSTAR substantially improve cost & enhance applications for rural community better than other solutions Government can better provide rural communities or schools, with access Internet for education, information, entertainment, e-government, e-commerce, etc. Rural Internet/ Phone E-Education Rural Public Telephony 19/04/60
Broadband Services for Community Tele-Service Center Internet Broadband WWW, updated news & information from government website E-Commerce for community Paypoint VoIP & Fax Fixed or public rural telephony, support both card & coin box Send and receive fax IPTV Both ‘Live’ and ‘Push’ for education & training i.e. career, instruction under disaster situation, etc. Support regional TV or Provincial TV Mobile Access Service Roaming service for mobile subscribers & visitors Support GSM, CDMA, 3G 19/04/60
Rural Community Tele-service Center (CTC) Internet Broadband TV IPTV ATA Telephone Fax Pay Phone Voice/Fax PC PC PC PC TV Adaptor (TVA) Hub Mobile Access Service IPSTAR UT IPSTAR System BTS (Femtocell) Cellular Phone Media Server 19/04/60
Network Diagram: Rural Community Tele-service Center (CTC) Multi-Application Services via IPSTAR Rural Community Tele-Service Center IPSTAR-1 Internet Broadband PC VoIP/Fax 2-port ATA Phone Fax 1.2 m/1.8 m Antenna IPSTAR Gateway Internet & Voice Splitter IPSTAR UT 8-port Switch IPTV TV Media Server IPTV (E-education) Analog Telephone Adapter (ATA) - Connect analog telephone to a digital telephone system i.e. VoIP Media Server – stores and transmits multiple IP Video streaming for IP distribution to multiple external PC or TVA (TV Adaptor) Femtocell TVA Mobile Phone Mobile Access Service 4/19/2017
IPTV Advantages To distribute an official government news and information To be an impending disaster warning channel Live-Entertainment and news Distance learning Rural E-Education Career-Enhancing training program Individualized attention Content Corporate training Live Channel Push Channel 4/19/2017
Case Study: IPSTAR Success in USO Programs for Rural Telecommunications
Case Study: IPSTAR Deployment in Thailand Signed Telephone Organization of Thailand (TOT) as NSO (National Service Operator) in 2005 IPSTAR’s over 3 Gbps bandwidth capacity for Thailand can provide broadband to more than 300,000 rural users in Thailand To date some 60,000 customers nationwide – the largest satellite network in Thailand IPSTAR provides broadband to 26,000 schools under SchoolNet project funded by the Ministry of Education IPSTAR provides 10,000 rural public telephones (both card & coin phones) & 7,000 under the National Telecommunications Commission’s (NTC) USO subsidy fund (4% of telecom operators’ revenues) SLIDE 17 19/04/60
Case Study: IPSTAR Service Deployment under USO Subsidy for Rural Australia IPSTAR broadband service in Australia launched in 2006 under HiBIS & Broadband Connect programs IPSTAR broadband service under Australia Broadband Guarantee (ABG) launched in 2007 Start from A$29.95/month, up to 4Mbps Max Speed ABG subsidy at A$2,500 per site 8 ABG-accredited IPSTAR Service Providers Total ABG Fund: AUD112.4 million funds for 2007/2008 AUD 250.8 million funds for 2008/2012 To date, some 68,000 customers nationwide – the largest satellite network in Australia With growth of more than 2,500 subscribers/month By end 2009, ABG-subsidized IPSTAR broadband will provide Internet to 1%, or 80,000 rural Australian households IPSTAR’s over 7Gbps bandwidth capacity for Australia can provide broadband to more than half million rural users in Australia 2 IPSTAR Gateways for Australia SLIDE 15 19/04/60
Case Study: IPSTAR Deployment in Rural New Zealand IPSTAR launched in New Zealand in 2006, with infrastructure to deliver rural broadband and voice via satellite IPSTAR’s over 900Mbps bandwidth capacity for New Zealand can provide broadband to more than 70,000 rural users in New Zealand To date some 10,000 customers nationwide - the largest satellite network in New Zealand Partnered with local service providers who offer service packages for both consumers (rocket BROADBAND) and corporate sectors (Farmside) Recognized as most suitable technology for government funded TSO program (Telecom Service Obligation) for rural communities VoIP Service (voice link) part of TSO program SLIDE 16 19/04/60
Case Study: IPSTAR Success in E-Education and Disaster Recovery
“Rooms for Life” Village Project 'Classroom for Life‘ Project, by Sat-Ed Co, provides learning centers to remote villages in Thailand with email, e-commerce, video conferencing and video-on-demand Provides access to education contents to rural Thailand and to foster life long learning Project was profiled by CNN’s “Global Challenge: Report on sustainable development” program 19/04/60
Case Study: IPSTAR for Tsunami Disaster Recovery 2004 IPSTAR User Terminal IDU SLIDE 13 IPSTAR provided quick temporary communications during Tsunami rescue & relief operations in southern Thailand IPSTAR Flyaway Set ODU 120cm. antenna 19/04/60
Case Study: IPSTAR for Sichuan Earthquake Disaster Recovery in 2008 Satellite News Gathering (SNG) for broadcasters Phone, Internet, and mobile service for rescue mission teams & temporary shelters SCADA Disaster Monitoring (lakes & dams) SLIDE 14 Source: CBSN (IPSTAR’s partner in China) 19/04/60
Case Study: VSAT IP Solution in Vietnam Bagged Silver Award Vietnam's “VSAT IP Solution to Bring Broadband Internet to the Countryside” solution had been awarded with a silver medal at the recent Asia Pacific ICT Awards (APICTA) 2008 – held in Jakarta, Indonesia from November 11 to 15. APICTA is an annual ceremony that provides recognition to outstanding achievements of individuals, students, entrepreneurs and organizations who have contributed to the development of initiatives, applications and services for the benefit of the ICT sector in the region. Vietnam's winner entry to the contest – a community project that delivers high speed Internet via IPSTAR to the country's rural province of Dong Nai – bested over 140 solutions and applications from 10 other participating countries – including Australia, Brunei, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Macau, Malaysia, Pakistan, Singapore, Sri Lanka and Thailand. Source :- http://www.dongnai.gov.vn/tin_noibat/20081116.054?set_language=en&cl=en http://www.ipstar.com/lastmile/nov08/en/vsatIP.htm
Case Study: IPSTAR Mini-DSL Solution in Vietnam Speed 2MB/512Kbps @ 230 USD - Dong Nai already installed 50 UT with 30 CPE each UT cost 1,800 USD for Professional Series and 1,300 USD for ICON series, Installation cost ~200-300 USD depend on distance Monthly fee 230 USD at speed 2048/512Kbps Contention Ratio (Toll : Star) = 160 : 640 Connecting with the existing Telephone switching (MDF)
Case Study: IPSTAR Mini-DSL Solution at Dongnai, Vietnam
Universal Service Obligation Project in Australia Australian Broadband Guarantee (ABG) National Broadband Network (NBN) 27
IPSTAR & the Australian Broadband Guarantee (ABG) Program IPSTAR began broadband services in 2006 as part of the original HiBIS & Broadband Connect programs. At present, over 68,000 active users are deployed in the IPSTAR network as part of the ABG program – the largest VSAT deployment in Australian history. Subscriber growth of over 2,500 subscribers/month By the end of 2009, it is forecasted that approximately 1% of total Australian households will be connected to IPSTAR through the ABG program.
Percentage of IPSTAR ABG Customers by Region Northern Territory Beam 502: 1% Queensland (28%) Beam 503: 4% All Areas Uncovered by Spot Beams Beam 504: 5% Shaped Beam: 4% Beam 505: 19% New South Wales (22%) Beam 506: 9% Western Australia Beam 501: 8% South Australia Beam 507: 13% Beam 509: 13% Percentage of IPSTAR Customers by Region Source: IPSTAR Victoria Tasmania Beam 508: 17% Beam 510: 7%
Universal Service Obligation Project in Japan 30
Japan: Universal Service Obligation Background Total number of households: 51.71 million* Japan’s digital divide elimination strategy deadline: 2010 Fiscal year Source: MIC 2008 Reference: Shigeo OKAMOTO, Director for Promotion of Broadband, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC), Japan “Japan’s Strategy for Nationwide Development of Broadband and FTTH”, 11 April, 2008, Due to the lack of sufficient terrestrial telecommunications networks to cover rural and remote areas, a digital divide has grown. Satellite is one of the 3 solutions for digital divide development to eliminate non-broadband areas in Japan (apart from ADSL, FTTH, CATV, and FWA) issued by MIC.
Japan: USO Initiative: Progress To Date At the end of April 2009, Japanese Government prepared for special budget to stimulate national economy For broadband USO program, the special budget is $1,350 million in total MIC prepared for $ 450 million (for 1/3 of initial cost) and Cabinet Office prepared for $900 million (90% of 2/3 which was formerly paid by local governments) to cover 93% of initial cost of service The broadband USO program is open for all types of broadband service, but in actual implementation, 99% of the special budget is planned to be allocated to optical fiber/CATV by MIC’s policy to promote ultra high speed (30Mbps) broadband to stay at the position as World’s No.1 Broadband Country. But, some local governments applied for subsidy (mostly not MIC’s USO program, but other types of multi-purpose subsidy) for satellite broadband. MIC also has regular budget ($100 million) for broadband USO program and considers to allocate the budget to other broadband service than optical fiber. 4/19/2017