The Human Brain
The human brain contains from thousand million (10 11 ) cells called neurons.
The Human Brain The human brain contains from thousand million (10 11 ) cells called neurons. Each neuron is connected to about 10, ,000 other neurons.
The Human Brain The human brain has capacity to store about 20 thousand books of about 500 pages and 400 hundred words per page.
The Human Brain In these connections our brain stores and processes all our past memories, the faces of all people we know, stories, films, the taste of our favorite meals, all the books we have read, etc.
The Human Brain We know that the brain is divided in two symmetrical sections called hemispheres: The hemispheres are join in the middle for what is called corpus callosum, a thick bundle of some 300 million nerve fibers that connects the brain’s two hemispheres
The Human Brain But, what was the purpose of each hemisphere?
The Human Brain But, what was the purpose of each hemisphere? In the 1860’s, Paul Broca discovered that the left hemisphere controlled the ability to speak language.
The Human Brain But, what was the purpose of each hemisphere? In the 1860’s, Paul Broca discovered that the left hemisphere controlled the ability to speak language. In the 1870’s, Carl Wernicke discovered that the left hemisphere was as well in charge of understanding language.
The Human Brain Brains scientists have realized that the two hemispheres had different functions.
The Human Brain Brain scientists have realized that the two hemispheres had different functions. The left side of the brain was rational, analytic and logical.
The Human Brain Brain scientists have realized that the two hemispheres had different functions. The left side of the brain was rational, analytic and logical. The right side of the brain was interpreting emotional content, intuiting answers, perceiving things holistically.
The human brain
The Human Brain Four real facts about human brain:
The Human Brain Four real facts about human brain: 1. The left hemisphere controls the right side of the body; the right hemisphere controls the left side of the body.
The Human Brain Four real facts about human brain: 1. The left hemisphere controls the right side of the body; the right hemisphere controls the left side of the body. 2. The left hemisphere is sequential while the right hemisphere is simultaneous.
The Human Brain Four real facts about human brain: 3. The left hemisphere specializes in text; the right hemisphere specializes in context.
The Human Brain Four real facts about human brain: 3. The left hemisphere specializes in text; the right hemisphere specializes in context. 4. The left hemisphere analyses details; the right hemisphere synthesizes the big picture.
The Human Brain According to James Watson (Nobel prize): “the most complex thing we have yet discovered in our universe”
The Human Brain According to Woody Allen: “my second favorite organ”
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