GD465 Digital Editing for Animation/ Overview Status Meeting January 2011
Outcomes Identify various media formats Perform editing for successful sequential narrative Edit animation/video sequences for a demo reel Demonstrate shot flow, timing, and audio selection Describe the benefits of good editing in production Publish video content to a media server for ease of access
Wk 1 Client Presentations and Digital Video Production Share samples of previous work as a client presentation Discuss professional online demo reels Use the resources below for your work Discussion Frequency and Quality: Video and Screen Sharing – View :60 Tutorial: Client Presentations Instead of Assignments:
Wk 2 Sequential Visuals Edit a sequence of visual images Discuss strategies for preparing your demo reel Use the resources below for your work Edit a sequence of visual images:
Wk 3 Sequential Titles Edit a sequence of titles Discuss strategies for sequence and meaning Use the resources below for your work Edit a sequence of titles:
Wk 4 Layered Content and Animatics Edit with movement using z-space Discuss strategies for animatics and layered movement Use the resources below for your work Editing layered content and creating animatics
Wk 5 Sound Editing Edit with sound Discuss strategies for sound and synchronization Use the resources below for your work Editing with sound
Wk 6 Special Effects Edit with special effects Discuss strategies for special effects Use the resources below for your work Editing with special effects
Wk 7 Rough Cut Your Production Edit with previous techniques Discuss strategies for refinement Use the resources below for your work Integrating editing techniques
Wk 8 Exploring Additional Tools Edit with additional software tools Discuss strategies for tools and use Use the resources below for your work Exploring additional tools
Wk 9 Demo Reels and Career Connections Present your demo reel Discuss career opportunities Exploring demo reels and career connections