EcoBusinessPlan Vienna Steps into Environmental Management Thomas HRUSCHKA Municipal Department for Environmental Protection Ebendorferstr. 4, A-1082 Vienna,


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Presentation transcript:

EcoBusinessPlan Vienna Steps into Environmental Management Thomas HRUSCHKA Municipal Department for Environmental Protection Ebendorferstr. 4, A-1082 Vienna, Austria Phone /88299, Fax /99/88299

About Vienna Vienna in Figures capital of Austria capital of Austria 1.6 million inhabitants 1.6 million inhabitants 415 km² with 201km² green area 415 km² with 201km² green area 8 million tourist overnight-stays 8 million tourist overnight-stays SME’s SME’s

Goal EcoBusinessPlan Vienna Reduced environmental impacts. Reduced environmental impacts. Less operating costs and competitive advantages for attending companies. Less operating costs and competitive advantages for attending companies. Better relationship between companies and authorities. Better relationship between companies and authorities. Improvement of environmental situation, by a better performance of enterprises and industries.

Vienna uses all instruments in a combined approach Vienna uses all instruments in a combined approach  Legislation and control  Financial instruments  Communication  Demonstration Projects  Organisation  Technique A city has several instruments to reach this goal:

The Concept Continuous evaluation of the effects based on analysis of the realized measures (database) and interviews with samples of the target-groups is necessary Legislation alone is sometimes to slow and ineffective EcoBuisnessPlan is an additional voluntary instrument   Legislation a. control  Financial instruments  Communication  Organisation  Technique  Demonstration

3 Principles of EcoBusinessPlan environmental protection pays continuesimprovement different modules for different needs  Legislation and control  Financial instruments  Communication  Organisation  Technique  Demonstration

EMS are useful, for little companies as well as for large organizations EMS's implementation is possible, in very practical steps with a short term return of investment We want to show that:

This means to give answers to the companies most important question:

Co-operation of all stakeholders Co-operation of all stakeholders Understand enterprises as main actors Understand enterprises as main actors Bring all partners together Bring all partners together Bring all support together Bring all support together Offer tailored support Offer tailored support Reward good behaviour Reward good behaviour The Guidelines  Legislation and control  Technique   Financial instruments   Communication   Organisation   Demonstration

yearlyevaluation structure External validation of companies Ecolabel Tourism ISO EcoBonus EMAS Ecoprofit Consul- tants programmanagement Department Environmental Protection MDO Advisory Board

Vienna Business Promotion Fund MDO The Advisory Board Authority for business procedures 1 Senior experts for the industrial code 1 Austrian Trade Union Federation 1 Vienna Economic Chamber 1 Vienna Business Promotion Institute 1 1 Federal Ministry of the Environment 1 Municipal Dept. for environmental protection 2 Experts Vienna Chamber of Labor 1

environmental effects – costs institutions/experts auditors  consultants detection and implementation of environmental measures The Concept – all Modules Validation minimum qualification Pool of Consultants Data-base of Environmental Measures Individual Consultancy Workshops

Start companies get a potential-scan companies get a potential-scanDuring carefully selected consultants carefully selected consultants workshops individual advise and financial support workshops individual advise and financial support PR PRAfter incentives (subsidies, award) incentives (subsidies, award) networking networking Strategy to be effective  Legislation and control  Financial instruments  Communication   Organisation  Technique  Demonstration

Professional Public Relations brochure documents successes journal for external target groups  Legislation and control  Financial instruments   Communication  Organisation  Technique  Demonstration folders inform about the possibilities

 Legislation and control  Financial instruments   Communication  Organisation  Technique  Demonstration Awards and Gala for the Successful

One of the main critical points of Environmental Management Systems: Good systems Good systems good systematic structure good systematic structure much work much work but often less practical effects but often less practical effects on the Environment on the Environment Focus EMS: critical points of EMAS and ISO 14001

Daily‘s company - business EMAS ISO Grounding Environmental Management Systems EcoprofitEPEP

Modul Ecoprofit environmental check: 8 hours environmental check: 8 hours 8 workshops 8 workshops oproject management, project team owaste management owater, waste water odangerous substances oenergy management otraffic, mobility management olegal compliance ocommunication, PR max. 5 days individual consultancy max. 5 days individual consultancy time range: 8 months time range: 8 months report + presentation of measures to advisory board, decision pro/contra awarding report + presentation of measures to advisory board, decision pro/contra awarding Validation: 1 year, possibility for re-awarding Validation: 1 year, possibility for re-awarding

Measures out of Environmental Management Systems Focus public institutions: HTL-Donaustadt (technical high school) HTL-Donaustadt (technical high school) –Better heating-management: 3 MWh less energy consumption/year, € savings Wiengas (city gas supply) Wiengas (city gas supply) –New method for maintenance of pipes: -> N-injection in pipeline- section: zero-methane emission, high safety because no risk of explosions Amtshaus Wien 8 (City-office building) Amtshaus Wien 8 (City-office building) –Installation of central air-exchange, insulation of the roof, new heating management system reduction of energy-consumption and emission of greenhouse-gases

Krankenhaus Lainz (City-hospital): Krankenhaus Lainz (City-hospital): –Energy-saving-measures – change of 40 Windows, 80 new heating-valves, reconstruction of the aiurcondition: reduction of energy: kWh/year, less operating costs € ,-/year SWR – KAV Wien (city hospital-textile laundry): SWR – KAV Wien (city hospital-textile laundry): –Insulation of laundries (reduction of the surface-temperature from 90 0 C to 40 0 C, Installation of heat exchanger : reduction of energy-consumption: 2,05 Mio kWh/year, less operating costs € ,-/year Oesterreichische Nationalbank (Austrian National Bank): Oesterreichische Nationalbank (Austrian National Bank): –Change of currency (Schilling  Euro)  production of paper- pellets: 310 t money-pellets used as insulation Measures out of Environmental Management Systems

Karl Pawel (transport company) in co-operation with Siemens SGP (waggon – construction) Karl Pawel (transport company) in co-operation with Siemens SGP (waggon – construction) –Development and use of a reusable packaging for underground- waggons during worldwide transport (via train and ship): reduction of costs, 73% reduction of packaging-ressources Already 250 waggons are delivered with that system (Boston/USA, Australia) and more than 200 will follow within next time. Druckerei Herold (Newspaper print office) Druckerei Herold (Newspaper print office) –33% reducing of maculature (not sellable Newspapers) just by smart organisational measures: reduction of the use (and waste) of paper per year: 500 t, reductions of costs € ,-/year

Results Energy for Vienna households for one year 1717 times around the earth 1,26 times Vienna‘s football stadium Hot air balloons

Controlling - Instruments Yearly Evaluation Yearly Evaluation –standard interview forms, Interview calls (e.g. 70 of 115 companies) –Analysis of the database of environmental measures Continuous Evaluation of environmental effects (data base: analysis of measures) Continuous Evaluation of environmental effects (data base: analysis of measures) o benefit for the environment o satisfaction of companies o work of program management

Results of Evaluation < 1 year 1-2years 60% 5% 10% 2-3 years 17% 8% >3 years Noamortization Average pay back-period of company investments:

Reasons for realisation-restraint Sample: 1000 Projects in 50 branches 70% 15% 15% after Stenum

active companies in Vienna One „man“ show EcoBusinessPlan employess > 1 Number of Companies covered by EcoBusinessPlan Vienna

Anzahl der Betriebe, die der ÖkoBusinessPlan bisher erreicht hat ( ) Companies with 100 employees and more EBP-Companies with EMAS, ISO 14001, Ecoprofit Nr. of People > ISO ISO EMAS 48 EMAS 152 EP

Finance Structure EcoBusinessPlan Vienna City of Vienna/EBP Companies Business Promotion Institute € ,- Federal Ministry of the Environment: 45% EU Interreg IIIA: 30%

How companies characterise the participation Very successful 30% successful 59% Satisfying 9% Exactable 2% Not Exactable 0%

The company's benefit Cost Effectiveness Legal Compliance Exchange of Knowledge Improvement of Work Process CompetitiveAdvantage Improving ImprovingRelationship to Authorities Publicity, Publicity, Better Image

 we sell  we sell sucess sucess  we get  we get environmental protection environmental protection