ABOUT THE TRAINER Bhushan Bhatia -an Eminent Banker and reputed trainer with a nationalized bank in India. Qualifications: MBA(HR), MA (Eng), LLB(Prof), CAIIB, PGDCA and holds Diplomas in Bank Management, Industrial Relations. Undergone Trainings: IMPACT- Train the Trainers by University of Auckland, Six-Sigma by National Productivity Council. Experience: More than 24 years experience as a Banker and Trainer. Core areas of working are HR, Training, Credit, Forex and CBS. Current Position: Working as a Senior Faculty in the Regional Staff College of a Nationalized bank in India.
CONTENTS OF THE SESSION Concept and History of Banking. Present Banking Scenario and new Dimensions in Banking sector. Why to opt for a Banking Career? Scope of a banking career. Different positions for entry in banks. Qualifications required for entry at different levels. How to prepare for the exam/ Interview. Querries by the participants. Concluding the session.
BANKS AND BANKING Banks are institutions that take care of the money of individuals and corporates, provide loans to people for business or personal use. They also offer a wide range of services like exchange of foreign currency, Investment Banking, Mutual Funds, Insurance Business, D-mat services, Online trading of shares, providing public utility services like e-tickets, payment of bills, educative services etc.
Beginning of Accounting Systems Kautilya, in 330 B.C. recognised the importance of accounting methods in economic enterprises. He developed Book-keeping rules to record and classify economic data. He also linked the successful enforcement of rules and regulations to their clarity, consistency and completeness. He also emphasised the role of ethics in the economic activities.
Stages in History of Banking in india History of Banking has been divided into Stages like: Pre-independence stage Post Independence stage Nationalisation of Banks Introduction of Financial Sector Reforms IT revolution in Banks
History of Banking in India There were three oldest Banks Bank of Bengal Bank of Bombay Bank of Madras These banks were called Presidency Banks. They merged in 1925 to form the Imperial Bank of India, which after independence became State Bank of India. Reserve Bank of India came into existence in 1935 which took the responsibility of regulating Banking sector as Central Bank in India.
Banking Scenario after Independence In 1948, the Reserve Bank of India was nationalized, and it became an institution owned by the Government of India. In 1949, the Banking Regulation Act was enacted which empowered the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) "to regulate, control, and inspect the banks in India."
Nationalisation of Banks On July 19, 1969, 14 major banks were nationalised. On April 15, 1980 another 6 banks were nationalised. With the nationalisation, the banking in India shifted from ‘Class’ banking to ‘Mass’ Banking
Liberalisation In the early 1990s the Govt embarked on a policy of liberalisation and gave licences to a small number of private banks, which came to be known as New Generation tech-savvy banks like Global Trust Bank, UTI Bank(now re-named as Axis Bank), ICICI Bank and HDFC Bank.
Current Banking Scenario Currently, India has 81 scheduled commercial banks (SCBs) – 28 (19 Nationalised banks + 8 SBI Group + 1 IDBI), 29 Foreign banks and 24 Private banks. They have a combined network of over 53,000 branches and 17,000 ATMs. The public sector banks hold over 75 percent of total assets of the banking industry, with the private and foreign banks holding 18% and 7% respectively.
Scope of Career in Banks A career in the banks has always been a sought-after one. Fascination with banking services has never been higher than at present. With the advent of private and foreign banks, the interest of youth in joining banks has only increased further. Another notable factor has also been the pay package which has fattened considerably with the coming of these banks.
Opportunities As the industry is growing there is no dearth of opportunities. In nationalized banks, one can expect regular promotions while in private banks it is performance that is rewarded. As financial services get automated, the industry requires a large number of computer experts.
Career in Banking-Positions for Entry Openings are available at various levels: from bank clerks to probationary officers (PO), IT Officers. There is good scope for professionals like MBAs, CAs for Direct entry as Manager, Sr Manager. There is scope for Technical posts like Agriculture Officers, Industry Officers, Law Officers, Hindi Officers and Economic Officers.
Qualifications for Banking Jobs For Clerical Jobs: Minimum Qualifications are 10+2 with marks 50% and above or Graduation. Age 18 yrs to 28 years. For Probationary Officers Minimum Qualifications are Graduation with marks 55% and above. Age 21 yrs to 30 years.
Features of Banking Jobs The best features of the job are security, good perks and salary, besides the prospects of loans for employees. There is good scope for promotions. The good thing for the job-seekers in this field are that demand for trained professionals has increased substantially. The latter is true for private banks, which offer better salaries but correspondingly less job security.
Job Requirements Bank jobs come with responsibility, as the banker handles other people's money. The person must be service-oriented and like to look after customers. Assess your aptitude before joining a career in banking. The personality required is a mix: for marketing and meeting customers an outgoing personality is required, while for keeping accounts a diligent and persevering attitude is required.
Environment in Banks One reason to be excited about banking as a career is the rapid change taking place. The jobs are becoming comfortable, as the physical environment is pleasing and computerisation has taken the load off tedious jobs. As competition increases, a good banker will certainly be in great demand.
Source of information about jobs The advertisements for recruitment appear on website of respective banks, in newspapers as well as www.atozinbanking.com which is a dedicated website for Bankers and aspiring bankers.
Subjects for Banking Exams Recruitments are on the basis of a written test, including General Awareness, Test of reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, English language, IT Terminology, Concepts of Marketing and/or a descriptive test.
Preparation for interview After the written examination, the short-listed candidates are called for an interview. General questions are asked to check the candidate's general awareness and relevant issues related to Economy. Interview focuses on the candidates aptitude on Decision Making, Risk Taking, Marketing, Knowledge of Computer and Aptitude for accepting Challenges.
Position of Openings in Banks During Current year Banking System is likely to offer employment to about 1.20 lac people out of which SBI has already declared openings for 20000 clerks, 3500 POs, 150 Technical Officers. Other banks have also offered similar positions in addition to regular recruitments by Private and Foreign Banks.
Contact Information about the Trainer bhushan301@yahoo.co.in +91 9876756600 (Mobile) +91 172 4622020 (Landline)