Database Coverage Medical Literature Multi-Disciplinary Non-Medical Literature – Education, Psychology, Social Sciences, Pure Sciences, Business, Humanities, etc. For our demonstration, this white box represents all of the Periodical Medical Literature published in the world in all languages. Including Journals, Magazines, White Papers, Association Bulletins, etc. The following examples are merely illustrations they are not accurate as to percentile or ratios This white box below represents the whole of non-medical literature Index Databases “index” or “cover” a limited amount of all the periodical literature out there No one Database will cover all of it. Many things are not covered by an index at all, anywhere. This light blue box will represent database “coverage” of the periodical literature At anytime Press the Space bar or Page Down to continue the presentation
Medical Literature Multi-Disciplinary Non-Medical Literature – Biology, Chemistry Education, Psychology, Social Sciences, Pure Sciences, Business, Humanities, etc. Old-Medline Medline Pre-Medline / In-Process has 6 database collections Old-Medline – ( non indexed citations from the 50’s & 60’s) Pre-Medline – In-Process (brief entries for very recent articles without full indexing) Medline – (fully indexed citations from 1949 present) You will see that these cover a great deal of the Medical Literature but not all of it. While these collections index mostly Medical journals they also index some cross disciplinary Journals. Preceding Citations Out of Scope NLM Reviewed PMC Preceding Citations – (non- indexed citations preceding MEDLINE inclusion) Out of Scope – Non- Indexed citations that are from MEDLINE journals NLM reviewed PMC– Non- Indexed citations that are from Non-MEDLINE journals
Medical Literature Multi-Disciplinary Non-Medical Literature – Biology, Chemistry Education, Psychology, Social Sciences, Pure Sciences, Business, Humanities, etc. Old-Medline Medline Embase EMBASE has 4 database collections Old-Medline – ( non indexed citations from the 50’s & 60’s) Embase - the Excerpta Medica database from Elsevier – 1974 to present Medline – (fully indexed citations from 1949 present) You will see that these cover a great deal of the Medical Literature but not all of it. While these collections index mostly Medical journals they also index some cross disciplinary Journals. Embase Classic Embase Classic – (Excerpta Medica Abstract Journals backfile) – Embase does not use MeSH Embase uses its own EMTREE Subject Headings Medline records’ MeSH terms are “mapped” to EMTREE terms
Medical Literature Multi-Disciplinary Non-Medical Literature – Biology, Chemistry Education, Psychology, Social Sciences, Pure Sciences, Business, Humanities, etc. Medline Pre-Medline / In-Process EBSCO Medline has 2 database collections Pre-Medline – In-Process (brief entries for very recent articles without full indexing) Medline – (fully indexed citations from 1949 present) You will see that these cover a great deal of the Medical Literature but not all of it. While these collections index mostly Medical journals they also index some cross disciplinary Journals.
Medical Literature Multi-Disciplinary Non-Medical Literature – Biology, Chemistry Education, Psychology, Social Sciences, Pure Sciences, Business, Humanities, etc. Medline Science Citation Index Web of Knowledge has 4 database collections WEB of Science – Science Citation Index Expanded (1975-present) Social Sciences Citation Index (1975-present) Arts & Humanities Citation Index (1975-present) Conference Proceedings Citation Index- Science (1991-present) Conference Proceedings Citation Index- Social Science & Humanities (1991-present) Medline – (fully indexed citations from 1949 present) You will see that these cover a great deal of the Medical Literature but not all of it. While these collections index mostly Medical journals they also index some cross disciplinary Journals. Derwent Innovations Derwent Innovations Index – (1963-present) Inspec – proceedings (1969- present) InspecSocial Science Citation Index Arts & Humanities etc MeSH is only searchable in WOK if “only” the Medline Database is selected. Other wise the Medline records are search by Keyword
Medical Literature Multi-Disciplinary Non-Medical Literature – Biology, Chemistry Education, Psychology, Social Sciences, Pure Sciences, Business, Humanities, etc. Old-Medline Medline Pre-Medline / In-Process OVIDSP has 4 database collections Old-Medline – ( non indexed citations from the 50’s & 60’s) Pre-Medline – In-Process (brief entries for very recent articles without full indexing) Medline – (fully indexed citations from 1949 present) You will see that these cover a great deal of the Medical Literature but not all of it. While these collections index mostly Medical journals they also index some cross disciplinary Journals. NLM Reviewed PMC NLM reviewed PMC– Non- Indexed citations that are from Non-MEDLINE journals