Does mode matter? Comparing response burden and data quality of a paper and an electronic business questionnaire. Deirdre Giesen Statistics Netherlands Presentation for QUEST Ottawa, April 24th-26th 2007
Outline 1.Pilot electronic Structural Business Survey (eSBS) 2.Methods used for the evaluation 3.Main results and conclusions 4.Discussion
Pilot electronic SBS QuestionnaireSize ClassN Construction Retail Temp offices Manufacturing51958 Welfare & Child Care Total Pilot group7800
Sources and methods used – Telephone interviews with early respondents and respondents with doubtful data (N=17) – Retrospective interviews and observations on location (N=8) – Audit trails – Data of use website – Analyses of unit and item non response – Information call centre inbound (helpdesk)
Results: Do respondents accept e-form? (situation November 2006) – Only 6% asks actively for paper version – Reasons for asking paper version (n=232) –31% “prefers paper” –27% download problems –18% no internet – 9% no computer –7% not enough knowledge about computers –7% configuration not suited (incl. apple)
Results: response rates Questionnaire% e- response % p-response before 2nd reminder % p-response after 2nd reminder % non- response Construction Retail Temp offices Manufacturing Welfare and child care Total pilot group (e-form) Total others (paper form) (situation November 2006)
Results: problems with downloading en installing – Hardly any requests for technical support – Problematic that it is not evident that each downloaded questionnaire is unique – Tips and instruction on website are hardly viewed (about 20% opens tips-file)
Results: respondent friendliness of questionnaire – Small error in questionnaire for temp offices with large consequences – General impression: –Very positive reactions –Similarity with tax forms is appreciated –Easier than paper to make corrections –Easier to find instruction –Easy to find questionnaire –Automated counting reduces response burden
Results audit trails Button% ever usedIf used: how often Question clarification6012 General info141 Calculation aid84 Calculator62 Stop192 Save332 Approve10042 Page forward8120 Page backward7524 Index6427 Print492
Results audit trails Activity% ever usedIf used: how often Changing fields89%11 Sending100%1,6 via 6%1 via internet95%1,2 Number of days questionnaire was opened -1,7 Time questionnaire was opened -1h14m construction-1h42m retail-1h23m temp offices-28m manufacturing-1h38m welfare & kids-1h10m
Results interviews with respondents –Vertical scrolling dangerous if approve button is visible but last question is not –Different presentation of related questions can cause mode effects –Calculation aid option not visible and use problematic –Sometimes fields incorrectly defined as allowing only positive amounts –Not obvious that changes in approved screens have to be approved again –Respondents expect more controls –Routing might reduce response burden –Explanation texts should also be printable –It must be possible to submit an improved questionnaire –Questions should be numbered
Results data quality: unit and item response – Overall unit response better in 2006 than 2005, due to earlier reminders. – Item non response pilot groups was 58% in 2005 and 60% in – “Scroll questions” don’t show higher INR. – Strange outlier with high INR in 2006 for some variables in temp offices.
Recommendations Keep – Method for downloading – First, only offer electronic form – Paper form on request – Send reminders quickly Change – Do not send paper form with second reminder – Make clear that questionnaire is unique for each firm – Offer tips in questionnaire and not on webpage – Make it possible to submit an improved questionnaire
Recommendations for questionnaires Overall: instrument works Change – development process – present essential clarification next to question (not behind button) – make clarifications printable – improve spread sheet – give clear visual signal (with colour) that changed field should be approved again – give questions numbers – add controls
Mode effects? –Qualitative indications, so far not seen in item or unit response, further research will be done with data. –Possible effect, then probably higher quality because of automation of calculation.
Results data quality (1) : unit response Percentage Questionnaires Returned 2005 (paper only) 2006 (e&p) at 105 daysat 125 daysat 105 days Pilot group (electronic forms) Others Total2236 N
Results data quality (2) : response time Mean number of days to response 2005 (paper only) 2006 (e&p) <= 105 days<=125 days<= 105 days Pilot group (e-form) Others Total N
Results Data quality (3) : item non response Questionnaire# itemsINR 2005 (paper) INR 2006 (e&p) Construction17557% Retail15049%52% Temp offices9573%76% Manufacturing14151%50% Welfare&kids13767%69% Total69858%60%