Resumes and Cover Letters for Educators Design and Deliver a Resume That Sells Your Strengths
Your Resume Should Be… Chronological order Use a 12 pt. font Use font such as Arial Bullet point key items 2 pages in length Quality paper
Resumes: Personal Data Name Current and permanent address Phone number address and/or personal website
Resumes: Objective Statement of purpose Concise and focused…no philosophy statements Short-term goal…list the position you want List your certification area
Resumes: Examples To obtain a High School Social Studies teaching/coaching position. To become an Elementary Teacher. To teach Social Studies at a middle school.
Resumes: Education Sample: (MA & Bachelor of Arts Degree) University of Florida Master of ArtsMay 2012 Certification: Mathematics 9 – 12, May 2012 Bachelor of Arts, December 2008 University of Florida Concentration: Mathematics Teaching Fellows Scholarship Program Dean’s List: 3.8 GPA
Resumes: Teaching Experience Support your objective Title (Tutor, Para Professional, Instructional Assistant, Practicum observations) Place of employment & location (not complete address) Dates employed Description of duties NO personal pronouns NO “Responsibilities include”
Resumes: Related Experience Ft. Clarke Middle School, Gainesville, FL Observation, Spring 2013 Observed teacher in 7 th grade math class of 25 students Created lesson plans utilizing technology Tutored students in math during group sessions Private Tutor, Fall 2012 Tutored 5 th grade student in reading and 3 rd grade student in math Created activities to assist with learning styles
Resumes: Recent Experience Unrelated to objective; shows work history and transferable work skills Title and dates Place of employment & location (city, state) Not necessary to describe duties List in reverse chronological order (start with most current first) Hostess, 12/00-Present Carraba’s Restaurant, Wilmington NC Customer Service/Cashier, Jun 1999-Present JC Penney, Chicago IL
Resumes: Extracurricular Activities Skills (Summary of Qualifications): Coaching Training/teaching skills Volunteer work Honors: Scholarships, Dean’s List, Awards, Outstanding achievement Activities Campus organizations Community involvement Church activities Athletic involvement Leadership roles
Resumes: References References (2-3) Name and title Place of employment/organization work for Work Address Phone ASK FIRST!!
Cover Letters Same paper as resume 1 page, 2-3 paragraphs Address to specific person When you don’t have a name: “To Whom It May Concern” Tailor each letter to each position and employer Always send with a resume
Cover Letters: 1 st paragraph Tell why you are sending this letter and resume State the position for which you are applying Tell how you became aware of the position/school system If applicable, mention the person who referred you Very short – 3 sentences at most
Cover Letters: 2 nd Paragraph Summary of your resume Tell why your skills and experience would be of value to that school/school system Highlight special accomplishments Display enthusiasm for your career and that school Show you’ve done your “research” Don’t start every sentence with “I”
Cover Letters: 3 rd Paragraph Wrap it up Restate your qualifications SIGN YOUR NAME - bold!!!!
Cover Letter Sample: January 15, 2014 Ms. Laurie Bauer Instructional Personnel Supervisor Human Resources 620 E. University Ave. Gainesville, FL Dear Ms. Bauer: It is with great interest that I am responding to the recent position announcement on the ACPS website regarding the high school English position. Currently, I am a student at the University of Florida and will complete the program requirements for Florida certification in English 9-12 by May I am enthusiastic and prepared to contribute my knowledge and experienced to this position. My attached resume demonstrates my relevant experience for this position. What these materials cannot express is my uncompressing belief that all students can learn. As a positive role model, I have five years experience working with students in and out of the classroom. The highlights include: Coaching Volleyball for Big Jump Jones Youth Camp After School Tutoring at ABC Elementary School Please consider this letter as an expression of my interest this or any other English position that may become available in the near future. My instructional application is activated and complete on the ACPS system. Thank you for your time and consideration and I look forward to talking with you. Sincerely yours, Mattie Jobhunter enc.
Tips: Send a cover letter with your resume Do not fax or a resume unless it is requested - send a hard copy Keep a log of where and to whom you’ve sent resumes Stay positive