Program Type : Prevention Intervention Closing the academic gap Evaluation Type: Outcome Proximal Data Source(s): Discipline Records Pre-Post Testing
Population: First Grade
Goal: › To enhance group dynamics and to reinforce academic achievement (language arts) for all group members. Objective: 1. To enhance awareness of bullying by 85% 2. To increase student knowledge of LA by 20%
Personal/Social Academic Development Acquire Self-Knowledge › PS:A1.6 Distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate behavior Acquire Skills for Improving Learning › A.A2.3 Use communication skills to know when and how to ask for help when needed
Language Arts Acquisition of Vocabulary › Gain new words › Comprehension › Applying knowledge of words (origins, parts, relationships, meaning) Phonemic Awareness (sight words) › Example of first grade sight words: after, again, ask, could, how, know, think, stop, walk, when
Number of Lessons: 1 Length: minutes Research: Research indicates that negative consequences of bullying show social, emotional, behavioral, and academic problems with the bully and the victim (Bauman, 2008). Further research on a national level indicates that elementary children admit to being bullied twice the amount of secondary students (Bauman, 2008).
Activity: Introduce self and start with an ice-breaker. Have the students stand in a circle and answer certain questions (What do you like about a friend? How might someone treat you when they are not your friend or do not like you?) Next, the children will return to their seats and we will discuss their answers. Using a easel, show a comparison of the above. The children will need to verbally distinguish the appropriate and inappropriate behavior (PS:A1.6) The next step is to define bullying and indicate how a student should seek help if they are being bullied. Role playing can provide an opportunity for the students to have a hands on experience (A.A2.3). Using the Ohio state standards, introduce vocabulary related to bullying or how to deal with bullying (humor, avoid, expensive, trusted adult, etc…) Next, indicate how a student can get help, using the first grade sight words. Wrap-up with encouragement and power!
Pre-Post Group Measure Measure of Session Effectiveness Pre____ Post____ Student ID#______Date_____Class ID#_____ 1. Indicate how you would treat a friend. (Circle One) a. I would help them pick up their books if they fell off their desk. b. I would walk in front of them to get to the front of the line. c. I would push them out of the way. d. I would take their toy away from them 2. How would you ask for help if someone was bullying you? a. Tell an adult b. Hide under the desk c. Tell your pet d. Give your teacher a mean look
3. What is bullying? a. a large animal with horns b. when someone treats you mean c. a fruit that grows on trees d. the name of farm equipment 4. Which word is spelled correctly a. ask b. agin c. stp d. wak _______________________________________________________________________ Ethnicity Code_____ IEP-504-ESL: Y or N Gender_____ Achievement Gap: Y or N
Bauman, S. (2008). The role of elementary school counselors in reducing school bullying. The Elementary School Journal, 108, Retrieved from Schellenberg, R. (2008). The new school counselor: strategies for universal academic achievement. Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, Maryland.