Matthew 28:19,20
Prayer Partners specifically pray for the ministries and needs of our church each week.
What prayer partners pray about for our church? God’s Power. Salvation of lost souls. Growth in all our lives as Christians. For our pastors and God’s protection on them. For all our ministries that they would be effective in their purpose: – Sunday School- teaching of God’s Word and for faithfulness in all our lives as teachers.
– Wednesday night clubs, children’s church, Kids Konnect, all related youth and children’s ministries. – HeavenTrain – Missions – Care – Choir/music - faithfulness to sing and practice – Finances – Special needs that may occur within the church family.
New Prayer Opportunities Mission church Reformers Unanimous – Adults and Teens Divorce Care Divorce Care for Kids MOPS
GO- Mark 16:15- “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” GROW- II Peter 3:18- “ But grow in the grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be glory both now and forever. Amen!”
Question: “Is what I am reading and listening to creating in me a desire to be a witness for the Lord, besides desiring to be more like Him?”
How do we grow? We do: – Study the Word of God – Pray – Faithful to church – Go and tell people about Jesus – Witnesses all the time everywhere we go. – Give our talents, time and treasure to this local church. – Never stop learning and growing. – Minister to our brothers and sisters and to those who are hurting and we can show them Jesus by our actions and attitudes.
GLO- Matthew 5:16- “ Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”