Wrong-Site Surgery Hand hygiene Hospital-Acquired Infections Surgical site infections Hospital-acquired pneumonia Catheter-related bloodstream infections Hospital readmissions Falls (inpatient) Diagnostic Errors Medication Errors
Preventable Defined as subsequent inpatient admission to any acute care facility which occurs within 30 days of the discharge date of previous admission. Non- preventable A planned (intentional) readmission that is a scheduled part of the patient’s plan.
Hospital- related Management- related Patient- related Poor use of health information technology (e.g., electronic health records and patient registries). Poor post-discharge services. Complications following procedures. Inadequate medical management. Premature discharge. Poor patient education. Complications following procedures. Poor understanding of condition. Poor compliance. Poor follow up appointments. Medication related issues.
*Admitted with heart failure, DM, asthma or sepsis (if available). *Speaks and understands Arabic or English. *Cooperative. *If he/she is dependent, there must be a care-giver. *To be discharged on the same day of selecting him/her or on the next day. *Willing to give verbal consent of a phone number for contact.
Supervisior Dr. Reem Al-Affari Supervisior Dr. Reem Al-Affari