Nepal is a small country located between China and India
Population of 27.8 million Over 70% work in agriculture Total land mass of Sq Km is used for agriculture Agriculture contributes 38% of Nepal’s GDP
Nepal is a net importer of milk products
We can change that
University of Guelph
Canadian product company Carries farming supplies Employs Canadian citizens
Is located in Boucherville, Montreal
Canadian FedEx employees Travel to the Toronto Airport
-Create job opportunities for Canadian selling, transporting product -Create job opportunities for Nepalese store employees, transporters -More profitable for Nepalese dairy farmers -More Nepalese will turn to dairy farming to make an income
Chlorinated Alkaline liquid milking plant and tank sterilizer Suitable for hot or cold washing Suitable for use in hard or soft water areas Low foaming formulation Can be used with manual or automatic washing systems
This is an investment for their future profit.
Kelsie Plaunt University of Guelph in partnership with IDRC CIFSRF and DFAIT Faculty Sponsor: Prof. Manish Raizada Total presentation time 4min 23sec