Transit-Related Land Use Public Hearing for Proposed Countywide Plan Amendments Pinellas Planning Council June 16, 2010
Transit-Related Land Use Planning Work Program I. Amend Countywide Plan II. Amend Countywide Rules III. Amend Local Government Plans and Codes IV. Amend Countywide Plan Map V. Prepare Local Station Area Plans VI. Adjust Countywide Plan Map I. Amend Countywide Plan
Proposed Amendments to Countywide Plan Strategies Preliminary draft of amendments reviewed last month Preliminary draft of amendments reviewed last month Additional strategies to address topics identified by the Council: Additional strategies to address topics identified by the Council: Coordination of transit planning with tourism industry representatives Coordination of transit planning with tourism industry representatives Location of government and institutional uses in transit station areas Location of government and institutional uses in transit station areas Property value increases due to public transit investment Property value increases due to public transit investment
Resolution No Attachment 1 – Resolution Transmitting Proposed Countywide Plan Amendments to the Countywide Planning Authority (CPA) Attachment 1 – Resolution Transmitting Proposed Countywide Plan Amendments to the Countywide Planning Authority (CPA) Exhibit I–List of Proposed Amendments to Exhibit I–List of Proposed Amendments to Countywide Plan Part II: Plan Strategies (Strikeout/Underline) Exhibit II – Ordinance with Amendments to Exhibit II – Ordinance with Amendments to Countywide Plan Strategies (Clean) Exhibit III – Proposed Amendments to Part V: Exhibit III – Proposed Amendments to Part V: Appendices (Strikethrough/Underline)
Resolution No If the resolution is approved by the Council, the amending ordinance will be considered at CPA public hearings on August 10 th and 24 th If the resolution is approved by the Council, the amending ordinance will be considered at CPA public hearings on August 10 th and 24 th
Resolution No Attachment 2 – Approving TBARTA Guiding Principles Attachment 2 – Approving TBARTA Guiding Principles Distributed by TBARTA for optional local government consideration Distributed by TBARTA for optional local government consideration The principles are included in the proposed changes to the Countywide Plan Data and Analysis (Part V: Appendices) The principles are included in the proposed changes to the Countywide Plan Data and Analysis (Part V: Appendices)
Public Hearing Staff recommends that the Council consider and adopt Resolutions 10-3 and 10-4 Staff recommends that the Council consider and adopt Resolutions 10-3 and 10-4 Questions or comments? Questions or comments?
Task I: Task I: If adopted by CPA in August, Task I will be complete If adopted by CPA in August, Task I will be complete Task II: Amend Countywide Rules Task II: Amend Countywide Rules Proposed Countywide Plan Map categories are currently being drafted with input from local government staff Proposed Countywide Plan Map categories are currently being drafted with input from local government staff Anticipate preliminary presentation to the Council next month Anticipate preliminary presentation to the Council next month Next Steps