GGGG REVIEW Government Chapter 7- Beyond the Bill of Rights
Terms segregation Separation, as in separation of one racial group from another affirmative action Steps to counteract past racial discrimination and discrimination against women suffrage the right to vote
Why is the Constitution considered a living document? It can respond to the needs of a growing and changing society Amendments Interpretation
How many Amendments have been added to the Constitution since the Bill of Rights? 17, bringing the total to 27
Originally, how was U.S. citizenship determined? by each individual state
What group was the first to be considered citizens? White males who owned a certain amount of property
Who has the final say over what the Constitution means? SCOTUS (The Supreme Court of the United States)
How does the Constitution change with the times? Amendments Court interpretation
How can a Supreme Court decision be overturned? By a later Supreme Court decision By a Constitutional Amendment
How are Amendments proposed? Ratified?
List the Amendment that matches the description below: The right to vote shall not be denied on account of race, color or previous condition of servitude 15 th Amendment
List the Amendment that matches the description below: The right to vote shall not be denied on account sex 19 th Amendment
List the Amendment that matches the description below: The right to vote shall not be denied by reason of failure to pay any poll tax or other tax 24 th Amendment
List the Amendment that matches the description below: The right to vote shall not be denied on account of age 26 th Amendment
List the Amendment that matches the description below: Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall exist in the United States 13 th Amendment
List the Amendment that matches the description below: No state shall deprive any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws 14 th Amendment
List the Amendment that matches the description below: The Congress shall have the power to lay and collect taxes on incomes 16 th Amendment
List the Amendment that matches the description below: This Amendment repealed the Prohibition Amendment 21 st Amendment
List the Supreme Court case that resulted in the following opinion Owning slaves is not unconstitutional Dred Scott v. Sanford- 1857
List the Supreme Court case that resulted in the following opinion Separate but equal facilities are not unconstitutional Plessey v. Ferguson- 1896
List the Supreme Court case that resulted in the following opinion Separate but equal facilities is unconstitutional Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas- 1954
List the Supreme Court case that resulted in the following opinion Discriminating against whites only because of their race is unconstitutional Regents of the University of California v. Bakke- 1978
List the Supreme Court case that resulted in the following opinion Separate hiring policies for women and men are unconstitutional Phillips v. Martin Marietta Corp