Understanding PSSS Results
2Understanding PSSS Results, 01/08 4 Major Parts of Your PSSS Results 1.Your Scores 2.Review Your Answers 3.Improve Your Skills 4.Your Educational Plans 3 Sections of the Test 1.Critical Reading 2.Mathematics 3.Writing Skills
3Understanding PSSS Results, 01/08 Your Scores Range s Section 1: Your Scores
4Understanding PSSS Results, 01/08 Percentiles higher than 54 tenth graders lower than 45 tenth graders If you are a sophomore or younger student, your scores are compared to sophomores who took the test.
5Understanding PSSS Results, 01/08 Section 2: Review Your Answers Question number Correct Answer Your Answer Level of Difficulty You will get your original test book back with your PSSS Results, so you can review the test questions.
6Understanding PSSS Results, 01/08 Review Your Answers: Mathematics Also shows the math content area of each question: Alg = Algebra & Functions Data = Data Analysis, Statistics & Probability Geom = Geometry & Measurement Num = Number & Operations
7Understanding PSSS Results, 01/08 Review Your Answers: Math Student-Produced Responses Only answers gridded in the ovals are scored
8Understanding PSSS Results, 01/08 Answer Summary & Scoring Correct answer = plus 1 point Omitted answers = no points Wrong answers to multiple- choice questions = minus ¼ point. (To discourage students from blind or random guessing.) Wrong answers to math questions (Student Produced Responses) = No points lost.
9Understanding PSSS Results, 01/08 Section 3: Improve Your Skills The skills listed are based on your individual performance. Follow the suggestions noted in “how to improve” and work with your teachers. Review skills using questions listed
10Understanding PSSS Results, 01/08 Section 4: Your Educational Plans Based on the college major you provided on the answer sheet, this section will give you: Description of what college students learn and do with that major. Associated skills Recommended high school courses
11Understanding PSSS Results, 01/08 After You Receive Your PSSS Results Review your answers by revisiting test questions with which you had difficulty.
12Understanding PSSS Results, 01/08 After You Receive Your PSSS Results: Access My College QuickStart™ Go to to access My College QuickStart, your free college and career planning kit. You will need your access code, which is printed on your paper score report. If you took the PSSS by February 29th, My College QuickStart will be available in late March or early April. If you took the PSSS between March 1st and April 1st, My College QuickStart will be available in late April or early May. Your access to My College QuickStart will last through to the end of high school.
13Understanding PSSS Results, 01/08 After You Receive Your PSSS Results: My College QuickStart™ My College QuickStart is a free personalized college and career planning kit based on your PSSS test results. Your kit has four parts: My Online Score Report, My SAT Study Plan, My College Matches, and My Major & Career Matches. My Online Score Report: Review your online PSSS score report—you'll be able to sort answers and explanations by difficulty and question type. You'll also be able to view projected SAT score ranges, state percentiles, and more. My SAT Study Plan: Prepare for the SAT with a customized study plan based on your strengths and weaknesses, as determined by your PSSS performance.* My College Matches: Get personalized suggestions for colleges, based on the information you provided when you took the PSSS. My Major & Career Matches: View a personalized list of suggested majors and careers, based on the information you provided when you took the PSSS. Other Benefits: Free access to MyRoad, collegeboard.com's interactive college and career planning website. * My SAT Study Plan is available only to high school students. (Middle school students instead will be able to answer the Official SAT Question of the Day)