Tackling Job Stress
Definition of Stress Stress is a State of Arousal and can be a result of: –A Stimulus - External Negative –A Response - to Internal or External Events –An Interaction - Between us and our Environmental Surroundings
STRESSOR An Event that can be Positive OR Negative
VS. STRESS Perceived threat Physiological reaction Requires Behavioral Adjustment
PHYSIOLOGICAL CHANGES DURING PERIODS OF STRESS Increased breathing rate, heart rate and blood pressure. Increased muscle tension. Increased production of the hormones, adrenaline and sugars. Digestive and Urinary processes are shut down so that blood is diverted to muscles and the brain. Pupils are dilated, allowing more light to enter the eye.
SIGNS OF STRESS Physical Signs –nervousness –nail biting –cold hands and feet –muscle tension –lack of energy –headaches –gastrointestinal upsets
SIGNS OF STRESS Psychological Signs of Stress –confusion –depression –changes in sleeping and/or eating –mood changes –increased use of alcohol and drugs –irritability
SIGNS OF STRESS Mental Signs of Stress –worry –creating alibis for actions –poor concentration –memory loss –lowered self-esteem –poor time management –decreased creativity and priority setting
DECISION-MAKING MODEL FOR STRESS MANAGEMENT ALTER IT –Problem - Solving –Communication –Organizing –Planning and Time Management AVOID IT –Walk Away –Let Go –Say “No” –Delegate –Withdraw –Know your limits
POSITIVE WAYS TO DEAL WITH STRESS Learn to Plan Learn to Play Recognize and Accept Limits Learn to Tolerate and Forgive Be a Positive Person Avoid Unnecessary Competition Focus on Process, not Outcomes Get Regular Physical Exercise Learn a Systematic, Drug-Free Method of Relaxing Talk Out Your Troubles
HOW “STRESSORS” BECOME STRESSFUL VALUE SYSTEM Perceptions Beliefs Assumptions EMOTIONAL SYSTEM Feelings Moods Attitudes SYMPTOMS Physical (e.g., headaches) Psychological (e.g., depression )
NEGATIVE SELF-TALK THAT CAN LEAD TO INCREASED STRESS “All or Nothing Thinking” “Overgeneralization” “Discounting the Positive” “Jumping to Conclusions” “Should Statements” “Labeling”
CHALLENGE YOUR PERCEPTIONS Stop Take a deep breath Ask yourself “Is it really true?” Ask yourself “Am I jumping to conclusions/” Ask yourself “Am I making a mountain out of a mole hill?” Ask yourself “Is it really as bad as it seems?” Ask yourself “What’s the worst that can really happen?”
ACCEPT THAT STRESS WILL ALWAYS BE PRESENT Build Resistance –Proper Diet –Regular Exercise –Systematic Relaxation –Positive Self-Talk –Setting Clear Goals –Building and Maintaining Support System –Meditation/Prayer –Recreational Activities
LIVING A BALANCED LIFESTYLE Family Social/ Friends Spirituality Recreation Physical Career Knowledge