Cavendish Group is proud to include Oil & Gas Technology – Brazil Edition in its portfolio of in-depth Oil & Gas journals for the BRIC economies. We promote the best of Western Technology, Expertise and Best Practice to the Brazilian Oil and Gas community. The latest Brazil Oil & Gas Report from Business Monitor International forecasts that the country will account for 30.0% of Latin America regional oil demand by 2011, while providing 23.2% of supply. Latin America regional oil demand rose to an estimated 6.87mn barrels per day (b/d) last year. It should average 7.01mn b/d in 2007 and then rise to around 7.82mn b/d by Regional oil production was last year estimated at 10.97mn b/d. It is set to rise to 11.85mn b/d by Oil & Gas Technology – Brazil Edition is published bi-lingual in both Portuguese and English in a format that combines attractive design with the very highest production standards. It is the only publication in Brazil to promote exclusively foreign technologies and companies to the oil and gas community in this buoyant marketplace. Media information 2010/11
Oil & Gas Technology – Brazil Edition showcases the latest technologies and innovations that are continuing to change the global oil and gas industry and how Brazilian projects can benefit from the latest Western technologies and expertise. Our exclusive and comprehensive coverage is maintained each quarter by in-depth articles and case studies focusing on the following areas: Core Contents & Special Focus Exploration and Production Refining & Processing Subsea Technology Instrumentation, Control and Automation Transportation & Logistics Pipeline Technology (incl. Pipeline Services) Health, Safety and Environment (Equipment, Training and Consultancy) From a readership survey conducted in January 2009: 64% subscribed to keep up to date with industry developments and source suppliers 60% spent over 45 minutes reading each publication 73% regularly referred back to previous issues 75% thought the technical level of the articles was just right 86% thought that the length of the articles was just right Media information 2010/11
Oil & Gas Technology – Brazil Edition is distributed on a quarterly subscription basis to named and job titled, senior decision makers and technical personnel driving and implementing change in the BRIC Oil and Gas Industry. From a readership survey conducted in January 2009: 66% had been influenced by an advertisement in the publication 20% had bought as a direct result of seeing an advertisement in the magazine 53% shared their copy with 4 or more people 78% had personal internet access at both home and at work As a result of our findings, Oil & Gas Technology – Brazil Edition will be reaching a projected readership of over 60,000 readers per quarter, and will be produced in the form of both printed publications as well as e-magazines to our database of “opt-in” subscribers. In addition, we will distribute at all major tradeshows, conferences and seminars. Government PersonnelOperations Directors CEO/GM/PresidentProject Managers Heads of E&P/DrillingChief Engineers Plant SupervisorsHealth & Safety Supervisors Pipeline OperatorsSupply Chain Managers Senior Process Engineers/TechniciansPipeline Contractors and Service Co.s Readers are key decision makers and oil and gas professionals at companies which include: Petroleo Brasileiro S.A. – Petrobras & its subsidiaries Petrobras Transporte S.A. – Transpetro; Petrobras Gas SA - Gaspetro Petrobras Biocombustíveis S/A; Petrobras Quimica SA – Petroquisa; Petrobras istribuidora SA BR Cenpes TBG - Transportadora Brasileira Gasoduto Bolivia-Brasil S.A Repsol Brazil Shell Brazil BG do Brasil Ltda. Galp Energia Esso Brazil StatoilHydro Brazil Cia. Brasileira de Petroleo Ipiranga OGX Petroleo & Gas Participacoes Anardako Maersk. Media information 2010/11
INDUSTRY SUPPORT We enjoy contact with industry organisations who provide us with feedback on previous issues, direction on future issues, and access to their members. These organisations and associations includes entities such as: IBP - Instituto Brasileiro de Petroleo, Gas e Biocombutiveis (Brazilian Petroleum Institute) ANP - Agencia Nacional de Petroleo (Brazilian Petroleum Authority) Part of the Secretaria de Petróleo, Gás Natural e Combustíveis Renováveis do Ministério de Minas e Energia (National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels) The National Organization of the Petroleum Industry - ONIP ONIP is a Brazilian private and non-profit organization aiming to maximize the benefits resulting from the expansion cycle of the oil & gas sector for the Brazilian society. To meet this mission, ONIP acts to contribute for the development of a favorable environment for new investments and operations in the Brazilian petroleum sector. ONIP serves as a forum for all the companies and government agencies involved in the Oil & Gas sector in Brazil.
Media information 2010/11 BONUS DISTRIBUTION We will be attending a number of events in Brazil throughout 2010/11 where we will distribute extra copies of the respective editions: Rio Oil & GasRio, September 2010 Brazil Offshore Macae, June 2011 Rio Pipeline Rio, September 2011 OTC Brazil, 2011Rio, October 2011
ADVERTISING - our competitive package includes: A full colour presentation in the relevant editorial section Direct access to a targeted audience with a respected and high profile platform Formidable exposure to decision makers and specifies in one of the world’s fastest growing energy markets Bonus distribution at all major Brazilian oil and gas events, conferences, trade shows and seminars Translation of your copy into Portuguese OptionsRate Pound Sterling Internal PageGBP 6,000 Back CoverGBP 11,950 Inner Front/BackGBP 8,950 Double PageGBP 8,950 Half PageGBP 4,000 Discounts are available for serial bookings at the following rates: 2 Issues: 10% 3 Issues: 12.5% 4 Issues: 15% Media information 2010/11
Published by : Cavendish Group International Ltd Commonwealth HouseTel: New Oxford StreetFax: London WC1A 1NUWeb: Media information 2010/11 For further information, please contact: James Stromberg – Group Publishing Director Kay Becker – Publishing Director Mark Venables, Editor To view or subscribe to the publication, go to: If you have a new technology or innovation to promote, contact our editor at: