Convergent Boundaries
What happens at Convergent Boundaries? (Continental plate – Continental plate) A collision boundary (continental to continental) is when two plates carrying continents are welded together to form one continent –Will not subduct (go under) –Creates folded mountains –Regional metamorphism occurs here
What are Examples of a Continental Plate converging with a continental plate Himalaya mountains (India + Asia) Ural Mountains (Europe + Siberia) Appalachian mountains (N.A.+Europe) – now split from a spreading center known as the mid- Atlantic ridge
What is a subduction zone Boundaries? A subduction zone is when an oceanic plate plunges beneath another overriding plate Subducting zones create the deepest places on the ocean floor called deep-sea trenches Subduction zone
What is a convergent Boundary? (Oceanic-Continental) Oceanic crust subducts under continental crust plate---MORE DENSE PLATE GOES DOWN! Volcanoes form on the continent – volcanic arc Deep sea trench is formed
Cascade mountain range What is an example of a continental volcanic arc?
O-C Cascade Mountains
O-C Convergent Boundary cont’d deep sea trench results mountain chain and volcanoes form inland on overriding plate
What happens at Convergent Boundaries Oceanic-Oceanic crust When two oceanic plates converge: 1)Deep- sea trench is created 2)A chain of volcanic islands is formed -island arc Island arc Deep-sea trench
What is an example of an island arc? Japan
Convergence-Mariana Trench Deepest location on Earth’s surface ~6.8mi Farther below sea level than Mt. Everest is above it!
Hydrothermal Vents
Hydrothermal Vents Black smokers 2250m down on Juan de Fuca ridge, water exceeds 400deg C
Tube worms feeding at base of a black smoker chimney hydrothermal vent.
O-O Aleutian Islands Aleutians seen from space
What Other Phenomena that occur in all types of subduction zones? Earthquakes occur at greater depths Lithosphere is destroyed (it melts)
Sliding or Transform-fault Boundaries
What happens at Transform-fault Boundaries ? Lithospheric plates slide past each other Example: San Andreas Fault A fault is a break in Earths crust along which movement has occurred –*shallow earthquakes occur here
Transform Boundary The San Andreas Fault, California N. American plate and Pacific plate are sliding past one another SW Ca. –Pacific Plate moving NW Rest of U.S. is on N. American plate moving SE Earthquake Trail, San Francisco area, California
Transform-San Andreas Fault
Review What is a fault? What happens at Transform-fault boundaries? Are earthquakes at sliding boundaries (transform-fault ) deep or shallow?
Plate Interactions
How are plates moving now?
How do plate interactions affect the world? Tectonic Plates grow and split at Mid- Oceanic Ridges (sea floor spreading); they melt and shrink at subduction zones
Review Which type of crust is involved in a collision boundary? What feature is created there? Which type of rock is associated with a collision boundary? What is an example of a collision boundary?
Review What is a subduction zone? Which type of crust will not subduct? What feature are formed at a subduction zone? What feature is formed on the continent at subduction boundaries?
Review What is an example of a volcanic arc? What type of volcanic chain is formed when two oceanic plates converge? What is an example of a place formed by two oceanic plates colliding? Where do earthquakes occur in a subduction zone?
Review What happens to the lithosphere in a subduction zone? Where are deep sea trenches on the world today? Locate an island arc, a volcanic arc and an underwater volcanic chain on the world map