Welcome to English 2DI! HERE’S WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW!
Essential Course Components (as defined by the Ministry of Education) Listening: Listen in order to understand and respond appropriately in a variety of situations for a variety of purposes. Speaking: Use speaking skills and strategies appropriately to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes. Reading: Read and demonstrate an understanding of a variety of literary, informational, and graphic texts, using a range of strategies to construct meaning.
Essential Course Components, cont’d Writing: Recognize a variety of writing forms, and demonstrate how they help in communication. Use knowledge of form and style to develop and organize content by generating, gathering, and organizing ideas and information to write for an intended purpose and audience. Use editing and proofreading and knowledge of language conventions, to correct errors and refine expression.
Essential Course Components, cont’d Media: Understand a variety of media texts and techniques and how they create meaning; create a variety of media texts for different purposes and audiences, using appropriate forms, conventions, and techniques. Metacognition: Reflect on and identify your strengths, areas for improvement, and strategies you find most helpful throughout the course.
Unit 1: Short Stories We will read a number of stories together as a class, and you will also select a number of stories to read from a variety of sources. We will analyse elements of short stories. You will write a diagnostic essay about one story. You will write your own story.
Unit 2: Grammar We will briefly review parts of speech and types of sentences (yes, you did this last year!) We will examine correct forms of punctuation and sentence structure, and look at common sentence errors. Grammar, punctuation and spelling will be marked on rubrics for written assignments.
Unit 3: Informal Essays and Speeches In this unit we will read several informal essays and view a variety of speeches relating to the topics of identity and diversity. You will talk about the ideas presented in the essays and speeches. You will write a speech and perform it in front of the class.
Unit 4: To Kill a Mockingbird This is one of my favourite novels I have ever read! We will read the novel, complete reading quizzes, participate in group and class discussions examining issues within the novel’s setting and dilemmas facing characters. You will write a formal literary essay responding to the issues in the novel.
Unit 5: Poetry We will read and analyse a variety of poems. We will look at structure, images, poetic devices and themes. You will complete a poetry test. You will write some poems!
Unit 6: Literature Circles You will read one of the novel choices presented for this unit. The theme continues to examine issues around diversity. You will complete literature circle tasks, a media project, and a summative essay. Novel titles: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Flowers for Algernon The Girls Secret Life of Bees Life of Pi
Unit 7: Drama: Romeo and Juliet You will examine various components of drama. You will respond with various writing and media activities. You will write some quizzes for comprehension and knowledge of literary devices. The final exam will be on this play.
Classroom Expectations: 1. Arrive on time. 2. Attend class regularly. 3. Bring essential materials: binder, paper, pen, textbook (highlighters are useful as well). 4. Be respectful of each other’s opinions. 5. Be organized. Strive to always complete homework and assignments on time. Manage your time so you can do this.
Practical Stuff… Please do not eat in class (you have lunch and breaks for your nourishment!) Washroom breaks: 5 minutes, one at a time Cell phones: off your desks, in backpacks, on silent mode From time to time, I will ask you to use your cell phones for class activities, such as quizzes, forms, google, etc. Work time: you may listen to music quietly If your cellphone is used irresponsibly, you will be asked to take it to your VP.
And so… Let’s have a great semester together! Here are some ways to help you be successful: Be attentive Do your homework Complete your assignments, on time Contribute to the class experience! Ask questions