FLAG The Japan flag name is called Nisshoki or Hinomaru. The Japan flag is a white with a large red disc that is representing the sun
LANGUAGES SPOKEN There is more than 99% of the population speaking Japanese as their first language.
CAPITAL CITY The capital city of Japan is Tokyo.
CLIMATE The climate of Japan is predominantly temperate, but varies greatly from north to south
POPULATION There is 126,434,964 people in Japan.
CULTURE Japanese culture has evolved greatly from it’s origins.
LOCATION The English word japan derives from the chinese.
MAIN RESOURCES AND POSSIBLE EXPORTS Japan has a large industrial capacity, and is home to some of the largest and most technoligically advanced motor vehicles. Fish agriculture and small amounts of metals and minerals.
FOOD They eat sushi, cabbage rolls, rice and raw fish. They also eat tofu, spicy spaghetti, salmon and bento.
INTERESTING FACTS The Japanese name for Japan is Nihon or Nippon which means sun origin Japan is made up of 6,852 islands Japanese is the official language of Japan
INTERESTING FACTS As of July 2012 there are over 127 million people living in Japan which is the 10 th largest population in the world The highest point in Japan is Mount Fuji,which stands at 3776m Due to gases produced by power plants Tokyo is the capital city of Japan and also the largest city