Sports Fitness Vo2 max
Sports Fitness Vo2 max Session 3 Objectives To define and discuss how Maximal Oxygen Uptake influences physical performance. To learn why high Vo2 Max level is an excellent indicator of good health. To learn how to read and utilize the norm charts for Vo2 max scoring. To learn how to read and utilize the Bruce Protocol Formula for Estimating VO2 Max. SOLs: 11/12.1, 11/12.2, 11/12.3, 11/12.4, 11/12.5
Vo2 max Fitness can be measured by the volume of oxygen you can consume while exercising at your maximum capacity. Vo2 max also can be estimated. There are a variety of protocols used to estimate VO2 max, one is called the Bruce Treadmill Test, but none are as accurate as direct testing. The Bruce Protocol is a maximal exercise test where the athlete works to complete exhaustion as the treadmill speed and incline is increased every three minutes
Vo2 max Stage 1 = 1.7 mph at 10% Grade Stage 2 = 2.5 mph at 12% Grade Stage 3 = 3.4 mph at 14% Grade Stage 4 = 4.2 mph at 16% Grade Stage 5 = 5.0 mph at 18% Grade Stage 6 = 5.5 mph at 20% Grade Stage 7 = 6.0 mph at 22% Grade Stage 8 = 6.5 mph at 24% Grade Stage 9 = 7.0 mph at 26% Grade The Bruce Protocol Formula for Estimating VO2 Max For Men VO2 max = 14.8 - (1.379 x T) + (0.451 x T²) - (0.012 x T³) For Women VO2 max = 4.38 x T - 3.9 T = Total time on the treadmill measured as a fraction of a minute (ie: A test time of 9 minutes 30 seconds would be written as T=9.5).
VO2 Max Norms for Men - Measured in ml/kg/min Age Very Poor Poor Fair Good Excellent Superior 13-19 <35.0 35.0-38.3 38.4-45.1 45.2-50.9 51.0-55.9 >55.9 20-29 <33.0 33.0-36.4 36.5-42.4 42.5-46.4 46.5-52.4 >52.4 30-39 <31.5 31.5-35.4 35.5-40.9 41.0-44.9 45.0-49.4 >49.4 40-49 <30.2 30.2-33.5 33.6-38.9 39.0-43.7 43.8-48.0 >48.0 50-59 <26.1 26.1-30.9 31.0-35.7 35.8-40.9 41.0-45.3 >45.3 60+ <20.5 20.5-26.0 26.1-32.2 32.3-36.4 36.5-44.2 >44.2