Facilitating Adult Learning Presenter : Donna Bryant
Today we will …… TODAY WE WILL ……. Discuss the difference between adult - centered learning and child - centered learning. Explore the Eight Learning Principles. Look at the impact of the Learning environment.
Think of the best Professional Learning experience you have had – why was it the best? Think of the worst Professional Learning experience you have had – why was it the worst?
Androgogy – an adult - centered, problem posing approach to learning ; Pedagogy – child - centered, teacher - directed education Malcolm Knowles (1990 ) Adults differ from children in their learning …
The Eight Learnin g Princip les Rural Health Education Foundation 2009
1. Multi - sense learning IWB Videos Chalk’n’talk Discussion OHP Webinars Posters When two or more senses are used … Activities
2. Active Learning Learning by doing …
3. Primacy and Recency Tell them what you are going to tell them … Tell them … Tell them what you have told them …
4.4. Feedback Feedback Feedback between learners and the trainer …
5. Reward Experiencing success and rewards …
6. Practice and Repetition Practice, reinforcement and revision …
7. Meaningful material Material relates to previous knowledge …
8. Holistic Learning The material needs to fit in to part of a whole …
The Learnin g Environ ment The Socia l Envir onmen t The Physic al Enviro nment The Emotion al Environ ment The Cognit ive Enviro nment The Holist ic Enviro nment
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