Tournament of Champions & All Star Meeting Agenda 2015 Tournament Directors Presentation 2015 Tournament Rules 2015 Tournament Manual 2015 Affidavit Preparation Proof of Birth Documents In Lieu of Letter Proof of Residency Documents Tournament Player Verification Form Medical Release Form Tournament Issues General Safety requirements Brackets, Schedules, etc. all posted on the website. Q&A, (District 44 Staff)
Tournament Director’s Preparations and Instructions
Pre-Game Preparations: Put up tarps on dugouts for shade/privacy Fill ice/water coolers for dugouts, with cups Field prep - drag, line, water, bases Set up scorers table and chairs, umbrella? –Room for 3? Scorer, announcer, pitch counter. Set up public address system Set up music for pre-game Cue the National Anthem Put up the American Flag Sweep out the dugouts Take out your copy of the league safety plan
Pre-Game Preparations: As managers arrive, flip coin for home/away, or dugout assignment (winner’s choice). Collect 2 game balls from each manager. Collect Affidavit books, check pitching record. Collect line-ups from managers, must have first and last names (pronunciations). Ask about player’s league pin exchange, and hand out Participation Pins if All-Stars. Help with inspection of equipment (bats, helmets, catchers gear). Get to work on your announcements.
Pre-Game Preparations: Find non-player to lead the LL pledge. If Championship game, make sure you have the post- game awards (banner & medals). 30 Minutes before game time, Visitors takes infield. 20 Minutes before game time, Home takes infield. 10 Minutes before game time, Introduce managers and coaches first, have them go to the mound. Introduce players, alternating one from each team. Introduce coaches, managers, dignitaries and umpires. Play the Anthem, and lead the LL pledge. Ask managers to meet umpires at home plate.
Game Time Announce each batter, as they approach the batters box. Announce whomever walks up, not what the lineup says. Announce pitching changes. Announce the score between half-innings. Announce the pitch count between half-innings. Fill-in announcements (as time allows). Play music between innings (if convenient).
Game Time Control the crowds, keep them off the field. Keep track of pitches thrown and visits to the mound. Assist your scorekeeper and announcer, and get water for your umpires.
Post Game Announce the final score, and where each team is headed. If elimination game, ask the crowd for a big hand for the exiting team. Update and sign pitching records. Ask umpires to sign scorebook. Return affidavit books to managers. Write up game recap REPORT THE SCORE!! REPORT THE SCORE!! Report any ejections to Mark Teagle, and include them in game recap.
After the Game: Put away bases, water coolers, flags, cones, PA system etc. Rake out home plate, and pitching mound. Water as needed.
Tools and Resources Send questions and SCORES to Refer to the manual if you have questions.