Introduction to Pipeline Engineering 1- Basic pipeline concepts and definitions 2- Stages of a pipeline project 3- Standards, codes and regulations 4- Principles of pipeline design, construction and installation 5- Wall thickness calculation based on different design codes or standards - Case studies on code selection Pipeline Design, Installation and Construction 1- Introduction to different approaches of pipeline design for offshore and onshore - Safety and reliability factors / Codes / Standards / Recommended practices 2- Pipeline configurations, including pipe-in-pipe, bundles, etc 3- Flexible pipelines – principles and concepts 4- Introduction to hydrodynamics around offshore pipelines, including the definition of the different wave theories 5- Stress assessment of pipelines, including definition of stress on pipelines and an introduction to fatigue analysis 6- Stages of pipeline construction - Hydro-testing / Commissioning operations / Procurement / Quality assurance 7- Methods of onshore and offshore pipeline installation
Pipeline Hydraulic Analysis 1- Thermodynamic principles and flow properties of the different flow transported by pipelines 2- Flow calculations for gases, liquids and multiphase pipelines 3- Problems caused by changes in flow condition during the pipeline’s operations(wax and hydrate formation, etc) 4- Exercise on flow calculations Defect Assessment on Pipelines 1- Types of defects on pipelines, including failure statistics and the relative causes of pipeline failures 2- Failure modes and a description of how pipelines fail 3- Defect assessment, including the different codes and standards used to carry out fit- for purpose assessments of defects and damage 4- Design code and standard requirements 5- Introduction to pipeline engineering critical assessment (ECA) 6- Case studies on pipeline defects 7- Exercise on defect identification and assessment
Pipeline Integrity: Maintenance, Inspection and Risk Assessment 1- Pipeline anomalies and defects 2- Principles and applications of the in-line inspection techniques and existing tools 3- Survey methods for onshore and offshore pipelines - Walking patrol / Air survey / Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV) / Acoustic Diver / Above-ground monitoring techniques 4- Principles and application of NDT techniques used to detect and evaluate pipeline defect and damage 5- Preparation of integrity management plans for onshore and offshore pipelines