Presentation of the importance of United Nations, Unesco, Organization of World Heritage Cities and Banska Štiavnica- Budapest World Heritage education school program
Flag of United Nations
Information about United Nations United Nations was founded after World War II to stop wars between countries and provide a platform for dialogue an international organization for cooperation in international law, security, economic development, social, progress, human rights, civil rights, civil liberties, political freedoms, democracy, and achievment of lasting world peace UN has now 193 member states
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Unesco World Heritage logo
World Heritage Convention 1972 World Heritage is destignation for places on Earth that are outstanding universal value to humanity and as such, have been inscribed on the World Heritage List to be protected for future generation to appreciate and enjoy. 911 natural and cultural places inscribed on the World Heritage List to date
Budapest, Hungary Budapest, including the Banks of Danube, the Buda Castle Quater and Andrássy Avenue Date of inscription 1987 and 2002
Banská Štiavnica, Slovakia Historic Town of Banská Štiavnica and the Technical Monuments in its Vicinity Date of inscription : 1993
Interesting places listed by UNESCO Borodubur, Indonesia
Rom, Colosseum
China Danxia’s Landform
Budapest’s Landscape
Spain, Altamira Cave
Indonesia, Comodo Island
Jerusalem, Great Moshe
Eastern Islands, Stone statues
Mexico, Chitzen itza
England, Stonehenge
Banská Štiavnica, historic center
Egypt, Piramids
Paris, Notre Dame
Organisation of World Heritage Cities logo 1993
UNESCO and OWHC goals on the youth level to encourage young people to become involved in heritage conservation to promote awareness amoung young people of importance of preservation of architectural heritage to develop new and effective approaches, methods and materials to help establish a network for futher cooperation
Banská Štiavnica-Budapest World Heritage education school program
Banská Štiavnica-Budapest school program’s logo ( by Dóra’s plan)
Thank you for your attention! Banská Štiavnica-Budapest World Heritage education schoolprogram is supported by the Loyalty Reward Program of Organization of World Heritage Cities (OWHC) the schoolprogram is realized in 2013 participants of the schoolproject : pupils and teachers of the Jozef Horak (Banská Stiavnica) and Óbudai Harrer Pál (Budapest)primary schools This presentation was taken by Dr. Katalin Kiss, World Heritage expert, on the 8th of July 2013 in Budapest