Elements in Photography Focus: Line Project 2
Line The element “line” is considered by most to be the most basic element of art. It has an almost infinite number of uses when it comes to the creation of artwork. Vertical, horizontal, curved, diagonal, and implied
One of the most common uses of line is to show the viewer where an object or parts of an object end. These types of lines are called contour lines.
Movement in Photographs
Line as an Expressive Element Draw a “happy line”, not a happy face, but a line. Then put it to the side Draw an “angry line”. Draw an “confused line”
Happy Lines
Angry Lines
Confused Lines
Examples of Line in Photos
Your Turn Your assignment: – Choose five subjects that feature expression in line. (Happy, anger, confusion, movement, cross- hatching, contour, horizontal, etc.) – You need at least 3 different types of expression. – Take 6 pictures of the same subject. Use at least 2 points of view.