Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder is a psychiatric disorder that can happen following the experience or witnessing of life- threatening events such as military combat, natural disasters, terrorist incidents, serious accidents, or violent personal assaults like rape. What is PTSD?
What happens… People who suffer from PTSD often relive the experience through nightmares and flashbacks, have difficulty sleeping, or feel detached. These symptoms can be severe enough and last long enough to significantly impair the person's daily life.
Traumas happen to many competent, healthy, strong, good people. No one can completely protect him- or herself from traumatic experiences. What do trauma survivors need to know? Many people have long-lasting problems following exposure to trauma. Up to 8% of individuals will have PTSD at some time in their lives.
Having symptoms after a traumatic event is not a sign of personal weakness. Many psychologically well-adjusted and physically healthy people develop PTSD. Probably everyone would develop PTSD if they were exposed to a severe enough trauma. When a person understands trauma symptoms better, he or she can become less fearful of them and better able to manage them.
People who react to traumas are not going crazy. They are experiencing symptoms and problems that are connected with having been in a traumatic situation. By recognizing the effects of trauma and knowing more about symptoms, a person is better able to decide about getting treatment.
S y m p t o m s Upsetting memories such as images or thoughts about the trauma Feeling as if the trauma is happening again (flashbacks) Bad dreams and nightmares Getting upset when reminded about the trauma (by something the person sees, hears, feels, smells, or tastes)
Anxiety or fear, feeling in danger again Anger or aggressive feelings and feeling the need to defend oneself Trouble controlling emotions because reminders lead to sudden anxiety, anger, or upset Trouble concentrating or thinking clearly
Treatments…What can you do? Take up stress reduction methods, such as exercise and relaxation, and pay attention to your physical health, especially sleep and diet. Try to cut down those things which do not work, particularly the overuse of alcohol, caffeine and prescription medications
Many people with post traumatic stress disorder can be helped with treatment. Therapy for anxiety disorders often involves medication or specific forms of psychotherapy.
Psychotherapy is the treatment of psychological disorders or maladjustments by a professional technique, as psychoanalysis, group therapy, or behavioral therapy.
Diagnosis One of the critical components of a PTSD diagnosis is that the individual must have been exposed to a traumatic event. Another critical component is that the person's level of functioning pre- and post trauma must be different. For example, someone who was irritable, could not sleep, had difficulty concentrating, and felt detached and estranged before a trauma, and who continued to exhibit these symptoms at the same level of intensity after the trauma, should not be diagnosed with PTSD.
Frequency/ How to notice it Bad dreams or nightmares about the event or something similar Behaving or feeling as if the event were actually happening all over again (this is known as having flashbacks) Having a lot of emotional feelings when you are reminded of the event Having a lot of physical sensations when you are reminded of the event (heart races or pounds, sweating, finding it hard to breathe, feel faint, feel like you’re going to lose control)
How to cope -Calling about treatment and joining a PTSD support group -Increasing contact with other survivors of trauma -Reinvesting in personal relationships with family and friends -Changing neighborhoods -Refraining from alcohol and drug abuse -Starting an exercise program -Starting to volunteer in the community