Creating Opportunities Through Pathways
Available Spring 2013 ◦ Construction ◦ Law and Public Safety ◦ Health ◦ Information Technology ◦ Manufacturing and Engineering ◦ Transportation Development: January 2012 – January 13
November 2012 – June 2013 Agricultural & Environmental Systems Arts and Communications Business, Marketing and Finance Engineering July June 2014 Education and Training Government and Public Administration Hospitality and Tourism Human Services
Concise document with broader statements. Oriented to content vs. program. Reflect what industry expects vs how it can be taught. Industry standards and licensure requirements captured. Academic content standards aligned. Postsecondary learning outcomes included. Green related content identified. Uniform 21 st century skills standards
Research Futuring Panels Standards development Alignment of P.S. Learning Outcomes Business and Educator Panel Validation Academic content standards alignment
Career Field Alignment ◦ Manufacturing & Engineering ◦ Marketing, Business, Finance supporting Business Administration Pathway Changes On the Horizon Course structure for all Career Fields
A CTE Career Field Pathway is a coherent, articulated sequence of rigorous academic and career/technical courses, commencing in the ninth grade and leading to an associate degree, baccalaureate degree and beyond, an industry recognized certificate, and/or licensure. The career pathway is developed, implemented, and maintained in partnership among secondary and postsecondary education, business, and employers. Career pathways are available to all students, including adult learners, and lead to rewarding careers.
May be associated with a recognized sector(s) within an industry or can be a function that crosses industry sectors Must provide opportunities for students to prepare for a range of careers in the industry. This includes multiple occupations at a similar wage/responsibility level as well as multiple occupations of increasing wage/responsibility. Must provide opportunities for students to be employed after high school using the knowledge and skills gained in the pathway program. Must provide opportunities for students to enter and succeed in postsecondary and continuing education programs. May be influenced by size and number of opportunities in the related industry and available college programs.
Agricultural and Environmental Systems ◦ AFNR Research and Development Arts and Communications &IT ◦ Visual Design/Media Arts/Interactive Media Business Administration ◦ Finance ◦ Management ◦ Marketing ◦ Entrepreneurship ◦ Legal and Medical
Construction ◦ Construction Design and Development ◦ Structural Construction ◦ Mechanical Electrical Plumbing Systems Health Science ◦ Bio Medical Research and Development ◦ Allied Health ◦ Health Information Management Services ◦ Therapeutic Services
Law and Public Safety ◦ Criminal Justice ◦ Fire/EMT ◦ Homeland Security? Engineering and Manufacturing ◦ Engineering Technology ◦ Manufacturing Operations ◦ Manufacturing Design Transportation ◦ Ground Transportation ◦ Air Transportation
Promote more opportunities for students. Encourage breadth of programming beyond specializations. Encourage depth of programming to include possibilities for specialization. Provide tools for building programs that cater to community as well as student interests. Set the stage for academy development.
Courses must fit in a comprehensive high school model typically offering minutes per day ( hours/year). Courses must fit in a career center model typically offering min. per day ( hours/yr). Courses will likely have a 120-hour minimum and a 280-hour maximum time requirement. Program must be comprised of a minimum of 4 courses. There may or may not be required courses or course prerequisites.
Course content must align with postsecondary programs for enhanced articulation possibilities. Other design requirements may be needed per career field. Course structure will align with CTE Technical tests. Program of Study application will be modified to accommodate design possibilities. Transition to courses will not require undue “paperwork” from local districts.
Data for federal-state performance measures (Technical Skill Attainment = TSA) Data for ODE-CTE and local school districts to use in program improvement Complement local systems for assessing student performance Build secondary-postsecondary relationships needed to develop processes for statewide transcripted credit transfer Provide reports that students value to communicate their success
ALL pathway tests modular (6-18 modules, 25 items) Scenarios about entry workplace (~ 30% of items) Two levels of challenge for items : C1 = ~ 70% of items; lower level recall (define, facts) C2 = ~ 30% of items; application plus (analysis, evaluation) Two cutoffs: proficient & advanced
Districts no longer pay for assessments ◦ Exceptions: Employability, DHO No more paper-pencil tests offered Teachers can review tests at CETE Teaching Professions moved into WebXam ◦ Provides capability to collect rating rubric-based judgments
Assessing every program and every student Field testing and performance data Seeking industry support for state credentials Measuring student growth Measuring performance Recognizing student performance
Continued use of Industry Exams. ◦ How to assess programs that choose not to use a given curriculum product? ◦ How to assess beyond occupationally specific exams? ◦ Validity and Reliability documentation. ◦ What constitutes an industry exam?