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To Account……. …..means to keep a record of something.
What is Accounting? …. It is a system of recording information about a business or organisation.
What sort of information? Financial information. This information is then presented to people to help them make decisions.
Which people need financial information ? €Owners of the business €Banks €Government €Suppliers €Workers………… €……..and others.
So, what do accountants and bookkeepers do? These people collect financial documents, record the information, organise the different bits of information under certain categories, and present it to people in specific formats.
Financial Statements Accounting information is finally presented in the form of financial statements – the main reports of a business.
Is there any difference between…. a BOOKKEEPER and an ACCOUNTANT ?
There certainly is !
Bookkeepers carry out the actual collection of data and enter it into the accounting system.
Accountants Prepare and present financial statements of the business. Advise businessmen how to manage their finances. Guide businessmen in the operations of the business.
Why should I study Accounts ?
Post Secondary A knowledge of accounts will be of use in any one of a number of courses which you may decide to study at a post secondary institution (Higher Secondary, Junior College, MCAST, Institute of Tourism Studies)
Lots of career opportunities All businesses need the services of accountants or bookkeepers – hotels, shops, factories ……… Foreign companies frequently set up new businesses in Malta (on line betting, IT companies……) Financial services sector (investment advice, tax advice, insurance) is fast becoming a major sector in the Maltese economy.
Good Luck !!! If you need any more information about this option please look us up and we will be glad to answer you.