CH 1 - The Main Purpose of Physical Education How is the profession of physical education perceived by: The general public? Other educators? The news media? The students we will teach?
How do we repair the damage? What will you do to change things?
What should be the main purpose of physical education? The main purpose physical education should be to guide students in the process of becoming physically active for the rest of their lives. What is the source of this idea? P.E. has 5 “guiding lights”
1 - NASPE Standards Provides content standards and sample benchmarks. Outlines the attributes of the physically educated person. Emphasizes acquiring the skills and knowledge needed to become active for life.
2 – Center for Disease Control - CDC Emphasizes activity and enjoyment over competition. Encourages competence in many motor and behavioral skills. Says do NOT use exercise as punishment. Uses NASPE’s national standards. Says to keep students active during physical education. WHY does CDC care about P.E.?
3-Healthy People 2010 Healthy People 2010 focuses on three objectives for physical education: Increased number of schools requiring daily PE. Increased number of students taking PE. Increased activity time in PE. End Goal: More active youth!!
4-ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine) Position Statement Physical Education should: Emphasize development and maintenance of lifelong exercise habits and provide instruction on how to attain and maintain physical fitness. Focus on education and behavior change leading to physical activity outside of class, and Emphasize recreational and fun aspects of exercise.
5- AHA (American Heart Association) Strategic Plan Physical Education should: Be required in grades K-2, Promote lifestyle physical activities, Provide information on appropriate physical activity,
5- AHA Strategic Plan (Cont.) Integrate fitness testing into PE programs, Encourage extra-curricular activities, Use schools as community centers, and Deliver culturally and linguistically appropriate public messages to improve physical activity programs.
What do these 5 groups tell us? All have similar goals – a more active population Lead physical education to a new focus: to help people become active for the rest of their lives.
GET ACTIVE FOR LIFE! Many factors influence activity levels in youth. These factors should also guide physical education.
GET ACTIVE FOR LIFE Factors G – goal setting E – enjoyment T – TV and video games
GET ACTIVE FOR LIFE Factors (Cont.) A – attitude C – confidence in abilities T – time and other perceived barriers I – inclement weather V – various perceived benefits E – educated about how to be active
GET ACTIVE FOR LIFE Factors (Cont.) F – family and peer influences O – older; becoming less active as you age R – recreational programs lacking L – lack of safe spaces in neighborhood I – intrinsic motivation F – facility and equipment access E – economic status, culture, and gender
Diamond Conceptual Framework Based on: Our “guiding lights” and GET ACTIVE FOR LIFE factors The Diamond Conceptual Framework represents a clear purpose for physical education: To help students become active for the rest of their lives.
What is the purpose of physical education? Who are our 5 “guiding lights?”
Diamond Conceptual Framework for Physical Education
What does this mean for Secondary Physical Education Communication between each level (elementary, middle, high school) is essential. Students must first be able to build a foundation and then develop competency in many activities before they choose a few in which they develop proficiency.
What does this mean for Secondary Physical Education To reach this goal, choice programs must be developed in high schools. ”We know we can’t teach every student to play every instrument in the band. Why do we think we can teach every child to play every sport?” (Corbin, 2002, page 138).