1 Financial Administration Organizational Meeting Steve Kimata Assistant Vice President for Finance and University Comptroller
2 Financial Administration Mission To provide financial and administrative leadership, and services of the highest quality, to the University community. Critical Functions –Financial Stewardship –Financial Reporting –Student Access
3 New Organizational Chart
4 Accounting Services
5 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE: Handle accounts receivable activity for non-grants in the Oracle system and collection for Student Accounts over 60 days old. –Collections of departmental accounts receivable as well as student accounts –Manage the Travel Card and Travelers Check Program CASHIERING: Handles incoming payments and posting into the Oracle and ISIS system. –Provide customer service to students and departments depositing money to their accounts –Serves as one of the few front line student contact points in Financial Administration that is not part of SFS.
6 Accounting Services OPERATIONAL ACCOUNTING: Oversight of General Ledger activity on a daily operational basis as well as state interactions. –Daily and monthly state settlements –Bank Reconciliation –Banking Services POST AUDIT ACCOUNTING: Audit operational aspects of accounting entries in the General Ledger and Grants Management. Primarily project based at the moment, but goal is to become a more routine maintenance. Current projects include: –Clean up of departmental suspense projects –Clean up of entries to make the new institutional cash balance report accurate
7 Accounting Services TRAINING AND OUTREACH: Provide functional accounting education and consulting to the field departments. –Develop and maintain the Business Professionals Development Program –Oversee Accounting Brown Bag lunch program and develop annual Business Professionals Conference
8 Financial Reporting & Analysis
9 Financial Reporting and Analysis COMPTROLLER’S SYSTEMS SUPPORT: Provides IT support and development to Financial Administration and OSP. –Day to Day IT support (hardware, software, security) –Develop applications to support business functions COST ANALYSIS: Provides analysis for a variety of cost accounting issues, and review of approximately 150 internal costing rates. –Generate and negotiate University’s F&A (Facilities and Administrative) rate –Review and approve internal cost based rates, as well as some external rates
10 Financial Reporting and Analysis DEBT ACCOUNTING: Provides accounting and analysis related to the University’s $500+ million of external and internal debt. –Pays University’s debt obligations –Provides analysis and support for funding issues related to debt ENDOWMENT ACCOUNTING: Provides accounting support and analysis for the University’s $2.5 billion endowment. –Endowment accounting (entries, analysis, income distribution) –Gift setup and accounting
11 Financial Reporting and Analysis FINANCIAL REPORTING: Provides financial reporting and analysis at an institutional level. –Annual Financial Report –Other Institutional Reports used by federal, state, and University management FIXED ASSETS: Provides oversight and accounting for the University’s capitalized assets (land, buildings, equipment). –Oracle Fixed Assets module –Tag and Inventory moveable equipment –Equipment Trust Fund (ETF)
12 Strategic Planning & Analysis Staff Susan Herod – Comptroller’s Chief of Staff Jane Johansen – Assistant Comptroller for Business Analysis Del Kolberg – Web Designer/Tech Writer Susan Petersen – Manager of Planning & Accountability Rick Seaman – Financial Information Services Ken Sinarski – Associate Comptroller for Business Relations Areas of Responsibility Business Analysis Business Information Business Relations Internal Consulting Services Planning & Accountability Project Management
13 Strategic Planning and Analysis BUSINESS ANALYSIS: Provides analysis and assistance for best in class business practices throughout the University. –Promote best practice business models for schools and departments –Manage internal control issues with schools and departments BUSINESS INFORMATION: Provides solutions for business information needs. –Business intelligence (e.g., executive dashboard) –Website and communication design
14 Strategic Planning and Analysis BUSINESS RELATIONS: Provides liaison with both internal and external stakeholders. –Expand and strengthen relationships with all critical stakeholders –Increase our scope of influence related to strategic decision making INTERNAL CONSULTING SERVICES: Supports strategic needs with finance and accounting expertise. –Management’s Discussion and Analysis –Accounting setup advice for the Student System’s Project
15 Strategic Planning and Analysis PLANNING & ACCOUNTABILITY: Monitors compliance and accountability issues, maintains high-level plans and verifies milestones have been achieved. –ARMICS –Performance planning and reporting PROJECT MANAGEMENT: Provides project management for strategic priorities. –Coordination of policy and procedure updates –Exploring student e-billing and e-payment options