Genesis 6-9 The Story of the Flood
About the Selection Chapters 6-9 of genesis offer the biblical account of the Flood, the result of forty days of rain that God pours on earth to destroy humanity for its sins. Recognizing Noah as a pious man, the Lord decides to spare him and his family and gives him instructions for building an ark so as to survive the Flood. Noah is also told to take into the ark male and female pairs of the earth’s animals, ensuring each species will survive.
Literary Analysis Archetypal –Setting and dialogue An archetypal setting is one that occurs again and again in the literature of many cultures. Pay attention to – A corrupt place destroyed for its sins is an archetypal setting. Every hear of Sodom and Gomorrah from the Bible? God destroys it b/c of the cities sinfulness(Genesis 18-19)
Literary analysis What precise details help you visualize the ark? JEWISH DIETARY LAWS – The reference in 7:2 to clean and unclean animals relates to Jewish dietary laws about which are clean enough to eat and which are not/ body of Laws= kashrut…any Jewish word connection?
Noah Kosher The laws spelled out in Deuteronomy and Leviticus (3 rd 5 th book of Bible) kosher animals must have cloven hooves and chew their cud. Ex. Cattle, sheep, goats NO pigs,camels,rabbits Water creature must have fins & scales NO lobster, shellfish, crabs, clams
Noah Pg. 45 What reason does God give for putting an end to all living things on earth? Pg IN NOTEBOOK: Which precise details help you pinpoint when the Flood took place and when Noah entered the ark? Vocab. Word- comprised – Prefix com= with or together – Root Pris= caught or held – Comprised= included
Green Dot time Root pan= bread Think about latin prefix com Explain meaning of companion Concept, conduct, congestion, connect, conquer, consent, contract, convene
Chapter 8 Pg. 47 Art work in your text- English artist illustrates the scene of Noah releasing the dove from the ark. CLASS WORK GRADE: 10 pts. lined paper – The art work shows Noah releasing the dove from the Ark- 1.Which of the 3 incidents from the story, (lines 8-11) does the image seem to reflect? 2.Name 1 detail that suggests that Noah has brought the ark safely through the danger of the storm. 3.Compare AND Contrast the details in this image to the events in this Chapter (8) Kinda like Where’s Waldo! Find 4 similarities/ 2 differences
Chapter 8 Pg. 48 lines Can you name 3 significant events in chronological order that occur at the end of the forty-day flood? MORE ART WORK-- Cool painting by Aaron Douglas~ born in the Midwest studied in NY and Paris ~known for monochromatic painting ~influenced by Egyptian art and the Art Deco movement. This one was completed in 1927
Chapter 8 How do the animals reflect the biblical description? Which details convey a sense of urgency?
Chapter 9 Pg. 49 lines 1-6 In these lines, there are 3 similarities from the Creation (we did not read it) and the Flood. – Both passages indicate that human beings are made in God’s image – God says that human beings rule all other living things – God says that plants and animals can serve as food for human beings
Chapter 9 It makes sense for the ideas of the Creation to be repeated after the Flood b/c the survival of Noah and his family is like a new beginning for humanity. They are again the only people and must procreate.
Chapter 9 Pg. 49 lines – Archetypal setting and dialogue – Look at word covenant line 11 def. LINES Overall message: Do not shed the blood of another man, or your blood may be shed. Where will God place a sign of His covenant? What covenant does God establish with Noah and all living creatures?
Chapter 9 Pg. 50 finish reading
Noah’s flood in History In the 1920’s, while excavating the site of the Sumerian city of Ur, archaeologist Leonard Wooley found evidence of a major flood in the area. The theory is that in about 5000B.C. melting glaciers created the Black Sea. In 1999, a team of explorers found artifacts and saltwater suggesting humans once lived in an area now under the Black Sea.
Replica of Noah’s Ark
Dutch carpenter Johan Huibers. Inside life-size statues of elephants and giraffe greet the visitors, a small theater showing a film on the life of Noah is tucked under the keel –cool, huh?