Laptops in Calculus III, Differential Equations, and Linear Algebra William F. Moss College of Engineering and Science
Elements of Course Design Topics Instructional Objectives/Outcomes: At the end of the discussion of this section, you should be able to … Learning Activities and their Assessment Student Assessment
Objectives: Calculus III find the equation of a plane given three points in the plane, given a point in the plane and a vector normal to the plane, given two points in the plane and the equation of a plane perpendicular to it by hand and using Maple.
Objectives: Differential Equations describe in your own words the eigenvalue process for finding a fundamental set of solutions to a first order, linear, constant coefficient homogeneous system of differential equations, and be able to apply this process by hand and using Maple. Assume that the system matrix is nondefective and that some of the eigenvalues occur in complex conjugate pairs.
Objectives: Linear algebra solve a system of linear, algebraic equations using Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting by hand and using Maple.
Activities w/ Summative Assessment Individual/team problem sessions handwritten and Maple Team projects Maple Graded homework handwritten and Maple Hour exams handwritten and Maple
Activities w/ Formative Assessment Index of learning styles survey WebCT quizzes with feedback Individual/team problem sessions WebCT bulletin board messages WebCT mail messages WebCT surveys Mini-lectures Maple coding sessions Practice hour exams
Activity Assessment Homework keyed to objectives Exam problems keyed to objectives Projects keyed to objectives WebCT survey WebCT bulletin board discussions WebCT mail F2f discussions in class and individually