Overview 4Core Technology Group, Inc. is a woman/ veteran owned full-service IT and Cyber Security firm based in Historic Petersburg, Virginia. Founded in 2008, our team of IT and Security professionals possess the technical and managerial expertise required to support Federal, State, Commercial, Medical, Financial and Non-Profit clients. 4Core Technology Group’s highly qualified personnel are adept at developing scalable IT and Cyber Security solutions with processes targeting core business functions and organizational goals, both strategic and long term. Mission To provide cost effective and innovative IT and Cyber Security solutions focused on the core business needs of our clients, while reducing total cost of ownership. Company Objective To approach each client as a value- added service partner and fully engage by asking the BUSINESS questions, not just the TECHNOLOGY questions. This ensures quality throughout the project life cycle and beyond.
Small Business Administration: Woman / Veteran / MBE (Minority) Owned / HUBZONE (Pending) DUNS: CAGE CODE: 5APU0 Our NAICS CODES:
Risk Management Governance and Compliance NIST Cyber Framework Network Assessments Security Awareness Training Security Policy Creation Business Continuity Planning Information Assurance Penetration Testing Managed Services Infrastructure Refresh Helpdesk Services Tier 1-3 Call Center Design & Migration Network Design Application Design/Support Logistics/Asset Management Service Desk Management Configuration Management Change Management Release Management Portfolio Management Problem Management Security Awareness Application Course Development Service & Baseline Document Custom Templates
The “4Core Model Approach” allows us to leverage our internal service offerings of: 1.Cyber Security & IA 2.Infrastructure Management 3.IT Service Management 4.Training & Development Our service offerings can be managed separately or delivered as one dynamic process across the business. Delivering the “4Core Model Approach” as one comprehensive flow allows us to deliver the same repeatable processes, regardless of the size of the effort or organization. The process starts from the top-down. By targeting the core business and corresponding IT functions, we create visibility throughout the engagement, allowing our clients to see and understand the services they are receiving. At 4Core Technology Group, we understand change is a continual part of business growth. These changes increase in complexity and, if not managed properly, will threaten service continuity. We have worked very hard over the years to develop a proprietary IT Business Model that allows us to support our clients in a comprehensive and timely manner. For that reason, we developed the “4Core Model Approach.” Small Business Mid-Size Business Commercial & Enterprise Government Agencies
Asset Management Policy Development Preventive Training C & A Encryption Network Management Penetration Testing Risk Assessment Incident Response Remediation Training Outside Agencies Forensic Analysis By Focusing on the G REEN, We Reduce the Chances of You Spending Time in the R ED “Protect” “Detect” “React”
Teams led by military veterans… Government security clearances Experience Discipline Ongoing training Certifications…
Situation: -NRC lacked process controls, release management, and security control management over IT systems, resulting in NSA Blue Team “F” ratings Tasks: -Develop a consolidated testing capability to validate IT systems prior to deployment into an operational environment -Establish an asset management program to control inventory -Develop user and system policies to improve network operations -Conduct staff training to ensure awareness of the newly developed policies Action: -Established testing lab, conducted security and integration tests, and confirmed operational readiness before fielding any hardware or software solution -Created asset management program to identify equipment on network, plan refreshes, and generate a disposition plan -Drafted documents establishing user and system policies then guided staffing through to approval -Developed and delivered “train the trainer” courses and “leave behind” information packages for the NRC HQ and 4 regional offices Result: -Repeatable processes and viable policies led to improved NRC-wide readiness evaluations, rising from “F” to “B” in two years
“4Core helps keep your organization out of the headlines.”
Corporate Office 2025 Factory Lane Petersburg, VA Office: (804) Fax: (804) Web: