Characteristics SizeLike a medium size domestic dog(60-75 cms tall). DietCarnivores (eats meat). ColourShaded brown black and beige fur. ReproductionOnly alpha male and female mate. Pack care for up to 16 offspring. Social behaviourThey live and hunt in packs lead by a alpha male and female. The pack communicates with squeaks and chirps like birds Unusual factFour toes instead of five like a wolf or dog They have the strongest jaw of any carnivore Life spanUp to 10 years.
Habitat The African hunting dogs are native to Africa. There used to be about 500,000 in 39 countries. Now there are in less than 25 countries mostly in game preserves. They live in savannahs and grass lands and need big territories in which to hunt.
Map They can still be found in the wild in Tanzania, Botswana, Namibia.
What is the future for the African Hunting dog? THREATS Human action Farmers hunt the dogs that hunt their domestic animals Other animals The dogs hunt antelope, zebras, wildebeests, gazelles and impala. Lions and hyenas hunt the dogs who are rivals for territory and prey.
Resources stribution _and threats stribution WCN - WILDLIFE CONSERVATION NETWORK ccounts/information/Lycaon_pictus.html ccounts/information/Lycaon_pictus.html ADW