How do we solve the NEET issue? Yolande Burgess, London Councils Young People's Education and Skills
Question 1: Do we have a NEET issue? Question 2: If we do…. what is it? Question 3: How do we solve the NEET issue? More questions
Do we have a NEET problem?
Participation Department for Education Proportion of 16 and 17 year olds recorded in education and training June 2013
16-18 year olds NEET National Client Caseload Management Information System August ,660
Unemployment year olds Greater London Authority London Labour Market Indicators - youth unemployment September , ,000
If we do… what is it?
“I think you’ll find it’s a bit more complicated than that…” Ben Goldacre
8 NEETs are not all the same National Client Caseload Management Information System June 2013
Most of them are adults National Client Caseload Management Information System August year olds51.0% 17 year olds28.3% 16 year olds20.7%
10 Attainment and participation ‘Cross-over’ point between C and D grades The biggest factor that impacts on young people’s future participation is attainment at 16: 45% of those with no reported qualifications spent 12 months NEET at 18, compared to 4% of those with 5 GCSEs A*-C
Deprivation and participation Department for Communities and Local Government Indices of Multiple Deprivation 2010 (this map is © Crown Copyright) NCCIS August ONS 2011 Census
How do we solve the NEET issue?
“Drowning problems in an ocean of information is not the same as solving them” Ray E. Brown
Magic bullet?
Strategy for youth support programmes Influence national and regional commissioners and shape priorities Achieve integrated commissioning of support programmes for young Londoners Align programmes so that more young people benefit, succeed and progress into other learning and jobs Share data and intelligence to improve programme performance and better meet needs
Mainstream provision (there’s over £1b of it…) Preventative support Information, advice and guidance Targeted support Supported entry into employment ‘Wrap-around’ support … choices and progression routes Sustainable solutions
Using RPA Supporting vulnerable groups –impartial IAG –local provision reflects young people’s aspirations –transition support Retaining 17 year olds in learning & training –more efficient tracking and earlier intervention –a greater insight into the local youth labour market
Support for young people to stay engaged (preventative NEET) Supporting under-represented groups into apprenticeships Pre-apprenticeship programme Young Londoners NEET programme Opportunities for vulnerable young people (looked after children and teenage parents) Volunteering opportunities to engage NEET Training for work (pre-Apprenticeships in growth sectors) Excluded from schools programme Support into work for young people with LDD Young offenders programme ESF projects to fill the gaps
Other offers Youth Contract Get Young People Working - The London Offer Talent Match Local skills and employment offer – DWP programmes, Jobcentre Plus, local councils, voluntary and community sector Mainstream provision including Traineeships & Apprenticeships (over £1billion for 16-24)
And more to come… European Structural Investment Funds through the London Enterprise Panel Approximately £641m ( ) –£465m proposed for jobs and training –£37m Youth Employment Initiative –£176 for SME support and eco-growth Including match funding = £1.2bn
ESIF priorities Skills and employment Strengthening science and technological Development and fostering innovation Enhancing the competitiveness of London enterprises Investing in London’s infrastructure
Partnership Coordination “Give me a lever long enough, a fulcrum strong enough and I’ll move the world” Archimedes Everything is possible