Inherited Traits and Learned Characteristics 5.10B Life engage
Materials Projector Computer You will be showing part of this presentation to the students
Procedure/Questions Ask: What traits did you get from your parents? Tell students that we will be trait detectives today using our powers of observation to examine photographs of plants, animals, and humans. Ask: What traits did you get from your parents? Possible answers: Hair color, eyes, etc.
Facilitation Points
Inherited Traits and Learned Characteristics Student Presentation 5.10B Life Engage
What traits do you see that were passed from these parents to their offspring? What traits are different?
What traits do you see that were passed from this mother duck to her offspring? What traits are different between the mother duck and offspring?
What traits do you see that were passed from parent to offspring? What traits are different?
What traits do these kittens share that came from their parents? What traits are different?
What traits from human parents are the same as traits from dog parents? What traits are different?
Which is learned? Which is not?
Which is learned? Which is not?
When trees lose their leaves in the fall, is this acquired or inherited?
Does the puppy on the right have a torn ear because it was inherited, learned, or acquired from the environment?
Do flamingos inherit their pink color from their parents or is it acquired from the environment?
Interfacing Inquiry What would you like to explore about inherited traits, learned characteristics, and characteristics acquired from the environment?