M Developing and Presenting Your Portfolio of Work October 6, 2009 © 2009 FSC Marketing Communications.


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Presentation transcript:

m Developing and Presenting Your Portfolio of Work October 6, 2009 © 2009 FSC Marketing Communications

Portfolio Development What is a portfolio? Why do I need a portfolio? How do I get started? What should I put in my portfolio? What type of portfolio is right for me? Where can I get a portfolio? How do I present my portfolio?

What is a portfolio? A portfolio is a showcase of your best work An organized collection of documentation that presents both your personal and professional achievements Documents the scope and quality of your experience

Why do I need a portfolio? A portfolio provides tangible "evidence" to an employer of your accomplishments, skills and abilities An interview should be equal parts “show & tell” Your resume and letters of recommendation are your “tell” Your portfolio is your “show” The job market is competitive A strong portfolio is a way to distinguish yourself Lacking a portfolio sends the message that you haven’t done any work that is relevant or worthy of being shown

How do I get started? Identify work to be included Internships Coursework Volunteer work Extracurricular

How do I get started? Choose pieces that will highlight your strengths Strong writing ability Creativity Leadership Strategic thinking Analytical skills

How do I get started? Locate and organize pieces Contact former employers, supervisors to ask for samples if you don’t already have them

What should I put in my portfolio? Action Reports Advertisements Articles Backgrounders Booklets Brochures Case Histories Charts and Graphs Event Invitations Event Write-ups Fact Sheets Flyers Media Alerts Media Clippings Media Plans News Stories Newsletters Packaging Samples Posters Presentations Press Kits Press Releases Proposals Research Topline Summaries Timelines Website Copy/Layouts

What type of portfolio is right for me? Two standard portfolio types: Hard Copy Digital

Hard Copy Portfolio Formats Spiral-Bound 3-Ring Binder Booklet Oversize Expanding File Folio / Briefcase

Hard Copy Portfolios Pros: Able to show pieces to actual size and scale (3D, die-cut, oversize, etc.) No additional file modification/resizing needed Employers can touch and feel items during interview Easiest format to present in an interview setting Customizable – lots of options Cons: Difficult to share with employers prior to the interview Not an effective “leave behind” Easy to include too much information

Digital Portfolio Formats PDF Powerpoint Online Document Viewer –CarbonMade.com (sample link)CarbonMade.com –Issuu.com (sample link)Issuu.com Social Media –Facebook –LinkedIn –Blogs Website –TemplateMonster.com

Digital Portfolios Pros: Demonstrates aptitude with current technology Allows employers to review your work before and after interviews Convenient way to organize your work in one place Cons: Requires a certain level of tech savvy Time intensive to develop Requires samples in electronic format File modifications often needed (JPEG, PDF, Flash) Difficult to present during an interview Has to be able to speak for itself Some templates are expensive, not user-friendly

Where can I get a portfolio? Hard Copy Portfolios Art Supply Stores Office Supply Stores (Office Max, Staples, etc.) FedEx/Kinkos Bookstores Levenger.com Digital Portfolios CarbonMade.com Issuu.com TemplateMonster.com BigBlackBag.com Average Cost: $20 – $200+

How do I present my portfolio? Before the Interview Prepare your portfolios, both hard copy and digital –Acquire any samples you don’t already have –Convert any file types necessary for digital portfolio When applying for positions, include a link to your digital portfolio in your resume, cover letters and LinkedIn page

How do I present my portfolio? During the Interview Bring your hard copy portfolio to the interview appointment After sharing your resume and answering any questions your interviewer may ask, offer to show your portfolio Be brief but thorough in your explanation of your samples –Explain your role in the project –Discuss leadership and teamwork, if applicable –State results or feedback Answer any questions the employer may have about your portfolio

How do I present my portfolio? Following the Interview Offer to “leave behind” any samples the employer would like to review further –Print-outs / copies of hard copy samples –Link to your digital work Send your interviewer a thank you note

Other Portfolio Tips Prepare in advance –You never know when an interview opportunity will arise –Your portfolio should reflect time and effort –Research types of portfolios and decide which one is right for you Proofread, proofread, proofread! –A great portfolio with typos is a failure –Attention to detail is critical to employers Ask for a professional opinion –Ask an advisor, professor or former employer to critique you work –Show as many people as possible

Other Portfolio Tips Practice your presentation –Get your details right –Only include the samples and information that are most relevant Give credit where it is due –Only claim work for which you were directly responsible –If it was a group project, be sure to point out your areas of contribution Only show your best work –Your time to present your credentials is limited –Choose projects that highlight the skills you can bring to the position

m Presented by Nora Connor Account Manager FSC Marketing Communications Manager FSC Marketing Communications © 2009 FSC Marketing Communications