Module 3 – e-Learning Folios
2 Overview myclasses An e-Learning Folio (or eLF) is a means of managing (collecting, organising and presenting) activities, lessons and resources that support varied approaches to teaching as well as the designated learning outcomes of a class project or unit of work. eLFs can be task oriented, scheduled, made available to selected groups, shared with other teachers and may require students to submit components of their work on or offline.
3 Overview myclasses In this module you will learn about: –Creating e-Learning Folios (eLFs) –Scheduling eLFs for use –Sharing eLFs with others –Viewing eLFs –Viewing student progress and submissions
4 Overview myclasses
5 Create an eLF myclasses To create an eLF, select Create eLF from the Resources option in the side menu bar. With this option you will need to specify the class the eLF should be added to………....or use the link in the e-Learning Folio property box on the Class Page.
6 Create an eLF - Details myclasses Title Description – a description of your eLF. The description you enter will be displayed in search results. Category – This includes curriculum areas and department initiatives and programs. Audience – Includes school levels, parent groups, community groups etc. Subject – Add words that may help refine a search for this eLF. Keywords – as above
7 Create an eLF - Template myclasses Template Styles
8 Create an eLF - Content Title and Template (determined by information added at previous stages) Outline Online Resources Reflection Student Presentation Format Required Submission Type Teacher Notes
9 Create an eLF- Teacher Notes myclasses Notes Learning Outcomes Education Authority Initiative Learning Styles Assessment Styles
10 Schedule eLF myclasses Display now – students will see the eLF in their e-Learning Folio immediately. NOTE: this option can be selected later through the Edit eLF process. Don’t display now – although the eLF is saved, students cannot view it. The eLF will, however, appear in the teacher’s eLF Property on the Class Page (assuming the eLF has been created from within a Class Page). Schedule display for following period – This allows teachers to set a specific student display period for the eLF.
11 Schedule eLF myclasses If you have created the eLF from outside a class page, you will also see a box that requests that you choose a class to add the eLF to. It appears at the top of the page and looks like this. Don’t add to Class will apply when you are creating an eLF and do not want it added to a class at that time. You may be constructing an eLF over a period of time and may wish to leave it as unassigned. You can go back and add it to a class or multiple classes at a later date.
12 Share an eLF myclasses –Don’t share – only the creator of the eLF has access to it. –Teachers in my school – any teacher in your school can use this eLF. –Teachers in my deployment – teachers in your department or deployment can access this eLF.
13 Adding an eLF to a Class Page myclasses Select the eLF(s) to be added, then click Add. Next, choose the Class Page(s) that you wish to add the eLF(s) to, then click Add.
14 Viewing an eLF - Teacher myclasses Teachers click on the title of an eLF….. …….and see the student information as well as the Teacher Notes.
15 Viewing an eLF - Student myclasses Students click on the title of an eLF and are presented with the information without the Teacher Notes.
16 Viewing Student Progress myclasses Teachers can easily monitor the use of online resources.
17 Viewing Student Submissions myclasses Student work is submitted via the uploader…… …which teachers can then view by clicking Submissions in the eLF property….. …and selecting the name of the submission they wish to view.
18 Summary myclasses