The Person and Works of the Holy Spirit Miracles: Part One
Introduction Miracles are a fascinating and necessary subject. However, some have misrepresented Bible miracles because they fail to understand the work of the Holy Spirit. If we want to know the truth, God gives us everything we need in the Bible. Let us, therefore, get to know the Holy Spirit and His work in God’s great plan.
Who Is The Holy Spirit? He Is An Individual: – Not a “glorified it” – Ezek 11:5; 1 Tim 4:1: He is always referred to as an individual. – Jno 16:13, 14: Jesus referred to Him as an individual. – Jno 14:26: Like any individual, He can be sent. – Jno 15:26; Acts 20:23: He can bear witness. – Acts 13:2; 1 Tim 4:1: He communicates as an individual. – Rom. 8:26: He intercedes for man, as does Jesus. – Eph. 4:30: He can be grieved (emotion).
Who Is The Holy Spirit? He Is A Person He Is One Of The Godhead: – Isa 48:12, 16: Jehovah and His Spirit sent the Lord. – Matt 28:19: Obedience to the gospel is submission to the authority of God – which includes the Holy Spirit. – 2 Cor. 13:14: Every faithful Christian has the grace of Jesus, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit. – Our relationship with the Holy Spirit is as important as that of the Father and the Son (Rom 8:9-11)
The Work of the Holy Spirit His Role In The Material Creation: – We associate the Holy Spirit with revelation, but He is equally involved in all of the work of God. – “Let Us…”: Gen. 1:26; 3:22; 11:7 The Father willed (directed)—Ps. 33:6; 148:1-6 The Word was the creating agent: Jno 1:3; Col 1:16 The Holy Spirit organized: Ps 140:30; Job 26:13 – This helps us better understand Gen. 1:2. – Creation was just one part of the Holy Spirit’s work in God’s plan.
The Work of the Holy Spirit He Was Involved In The Material Creation His Role In The Old Testament: Heb. 1:1 – 2 Pet 1:20-21: Prophets spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. – 1 Sam. 10:10: He caused some to prophesy. – Ezek 11:24, 25: He caused some to see visions. – Ex. 31:3: He gave wisdom or divine instructions. – Acts 7:51: When men resisted gospel prophecies in the O.T. they were resisting the Holy Spirit.
The Work of the Holy Spirit He Was Involved In The Material Creation He Was Working In The Old Testament His Role In The New Testament:
His Role In The New Testament He is the revelator: – He reveals all truth: Jno14:26; 16:3-5 – By Him we know the deep things of God: 1 Cor 2:9-12 He is the organizer: – Much like in the physical creation. – Jesus established (created) the church: Acts 20:28 – Beginning in Acts 2, the Spirit organized through inspired revelation and instruction: Eph. 4:11-12 – The end result: Creation (Gen 1:31); Church (Eph 4:13-16) He is the Helper: John 14:14-17, 26
His Role In The New Testament Now is when we come to understand miracles in the context of the work of the Holy Spirit: The work He has been given: – John 14:26: Teach and remind – John 15:26: Testify of Jesus – John 16:8: Convict the world – John 16:13: Guide unto all Truth, tell of things to come – John 16:14: Glorify Christ, declare what is Christ’s – Rom 8:27: Intercede in prayers
His Role In The New Testament How are miracles related to the work of the Holy Spirit? Mark 16:15-20 Teach and remind Testify of Jesus Convict the world Guide unto all Truth Glorify Christ Intercede in prayers Miracles: Provide Evidence of God’s Presence Provide Evidence of God’s Presence Confirm the Authority of the Revealed Word Confirm the Authority of the Revealed Word
Conclusion How and why are miracles so closely linked to Spirit’s work of revelation? – We’ll find out in the next lesson. – For now, let us simply understand that miracles and revelation of the Word are inseparably connected. Remember that Jesus established the church and the Holy Spirit worked to bring the church to maturity. All men are able to become a part of the Lord’s church by believing and obeying the revelation of the Holy Spirit.