HIWPP Hydrostatic Models
ModelBy Res. at 40 deg lat Output Freq. Output Res. Vertical Levels NEMS ready Initial Condi- tions Physics GFS Global Forecast System NCEP13km to 10 days 27km to 16 days 1 hr for first 12 hrs 3 hrs after first 12 hrs ¼ deg64YGFS T1534GFS 2014 FIM Flow- following, finite- volume Icosahedr al Model ESRL/ GSD 10km or 15km to 16day 1 hr1/8 deg64YGFS T1534GFS 2012 with likely physics mods NAVGEM Naval Global Environ- mental Model Navy21km3 hrs¼ deg64NGFS T1534
HIWPP Non-Hydrostatic Models ModelByCharacteristicsPhysics MPAS Model for Prediction Across Scales NCARComprised of geophysical fluid-flow solvers that use spherical centroidal Voronoi tesselations (SCVTs) (nominally hexagons) to tile the globe and C- grid staggering of the prognostic variables. Supports non-uniform horizontal meshes and/or nests. Terrain following height coordinate or hybrid coordinate relaxed at constant height. Advanced Research WRF NIM Non-hydrostatic Icosahedral Model ESRL/GSDMulti-scale model based on FIM. 2D finite-volume operators from FIM extended into 3D finite-volume solvers. WRF physics NMMB Non-hydrostatic Multi Model on B-Grid NCEPBased on NEMS framework; global versions uses lat/lon grid. Horizontal differencing preserves properties of differential operators and conserves energy and enstrophy. 1-way and 2-way nesting supported. WRF NMM’s physics HiRAM High Resolution Atmospheric Model GFDLFinite-Volume dynamical core on the cubed-sphere grid. Developed for global climate model, with capability to simulate statistics of tropical storms. Parameterized convection helps the resolved scale convection, rather than supplanting it. Parameterization of shallow convection by Bretherton et al. (2004) NEPTUNENavyBased on the spectral element/discontinuous Galerkin dynamical core; uses cubed-sphere or icosahedral grid; adaptive mesh refinement under development
Resolut’n at eq/40 deg Output freq. Output resolution (lat/lon) NEMS ready Vertical levels Initial con- ditions Physics GFS17/13km to 10day 35/27km to 16d 3h after first 12h (1h first 12h) 1 / 4 degY64GFS T1534 GFS 2014 FIM10km or 15km to 16day 1h1/8 degY64GFS T1534 GFS 2012 with likely physics mods NAVGEM21km3h1 / 4 degN64GFS T1534 Stan’s table
HIWPP Hydrostatic Models – general info (replaced with info from Stan’s table) GFS Global Forecast System NCEP NWS current operational global model Spectral (spherical harmonic basis functions) with transformation to a Gaussian grid for calculation of nonlinear quantities and physics Vertical sigma pressure hybrid coordinate system with 64 layers FIM Flow-following, finite- volume Icosahedral Model ESRL/GSD Icosahedral grid Isentropic sigma vertical coordinates Finite volume horizontal transport NAVGEM Naval Global Environmental Model U. S. Navy's Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Ocean-ography Replaced NOGAPS in Feb 2013 with improved dynamical core