AR Deployment Health Assessment Program Overview Presentation 1 Deployment Health Assessment Program IPR ARMY RESERVE DEPLOYMENT HEALTH ASSESSMENT PROGRAM DHAP PROCESS PRESENTATION Mr. Erik Noel – AR DHAP Task Lead
AR Deployment Health Assessment Program Overview Presentation Agenda 2 Introduction Overview Pre-DHA DD (Form 2795) Post-DHA (DD Form 2796) PDHRA (DD Form 2900) Program Metrics Contact Information
AR Deployment Health Assessment Program Overview Presentation Purpose 3 Ensure a clear understanding of the full deployment cycle support (DCS) process for the Deployment Health Assessment Program (DHAP) is provided in relation to DoDI Provide specific details on the process for completing each DHA Review current program metrics associated with compliance, completion, referrals, and no-show rates
AR Deployment Health Assessment Program Overview Presentation Overview of DHAP Cycle 4
AR Deployment Health Assessment Program Overview Presentation Pre-DHA (DD Form 2795) Process 5
AR Deployment Health Assessment Program Overview Presentation Post-DHA (DD Form 2796) Process 6
AR Deployment Health Assessment Program Overview Presentation PDHRA (DD Form 2900) Process 7
AR Deployment Health Assessment Program Overview Presentation Army Reserve DHAP (PDHRA DD Form 2900) Metrics 8 Data as of 12 September 2012 AR TOTAL REQUIRED PDHRA OVERALL AR COMPLETION (Goal is 100%) OVERALL AR COMPLIANCE (Goal is 85%) Total Aggregate68,76366,405 / 96.90%35,428 / 51.70% 2012 Total Aggregate 3,8783,906 / 93.54%PENDING 2011 Total Aggregate 15,09713,638 / 90.34%9,517 / 63.04% 2010 Total Aggregate 15,86515,352 / 96.77%8,641 / 54.47% Aggregate Completion and Compliance AR TOTAL UNSCREENED SOLDIERS 4,465 Soldiers Currently (0-89) Post Deployment Entering Window1,113 Soldiers Soldiers Currently (90-180) Post Deployment In the Window1,229 Soldiers Soldiers Currently (181+) Post Deployment Out of the Window2,123 Soldiers Total Unscreened Soldiers4,465 Soldiers Soldiers Screened Soldier Referrals Behavioral Health Referrals Physical Health Referrals CY1212,1665,767 (47.40%) 2,743 (22.55%) 5,550 (45.62%) Total Since Inception 108,31143,927 (40.56%) 14,954 (13.81%) 28,954 (26.73%) The above data represents mandated assessment requirements IAW DODI Deployment Health Assessment Program as of 10 MAR Minimum Compliance Standards are 85% for DoD and the Army. The above data represents assessments for Soldiers who deployed since 10 MAR 05. The goal is for screenings to be completed 90 – 180 days post deployment. The green portrays the Soldiers that accomplished the screening within the mandated time frame IAW DODI Referral Metrics The above PDHRA referral data represents assessments completed since 11 SEP 2001.
AR Deployment Health Assessment Program Overview Presentation PDHRA Performance History 9 Reserve National Guard Active Duty Total Army Oct ‘11 Jan’12 Jul ‘11 Apr’12 Oct ‘11Jan’12Jul ‘11Apr’12Oct ‘11Jan’12Jul ‘11 Apr’12 Oct ‘11Jan’12Jul ‘11Apr’12 Source: MEDPROS Timeliness of PDHRA completion within each Component and Total Army VCSA Goal (85%)
AR Deployment Health Assessment Program Overview Presentation A negative percentage is due to more Soldiers being screened than projected; goal is to be as close to 0% no-show as possible. Aggregate Non-show % -10% - 10% 11% - 20% > 20% Projected Screened No-show PDHRA AR No-Show Rates- Jan-Jun `12 10
AR Deployment Health Assessment Program Overview Presentation Contact Information 11 DHA Program Manager CPT Quana Wright DHA Program Task Lead Mr. Erik Noel
AR Deployment Health Assessment Program Overview Presentation Questions? 12