Protecting Wildlife for the Future South West BIODIVERSITY AND CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION SEMINAR 23 rd October 2008 IMPLEMENTING NATURE MAP SEVERN VALE LIVING LANDSCAPE PROJECT Dr Colin Studholme Director of Policy and Research Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust
Protecting Wildlife for the Future South West
Protecting Wildlife for the Future South West SWWT Living Landscape Projects Each of the 8 Wildlife Trusts from the Isle of Scilly to Gloucestershire has a Living Landscape Project All based on Nature Map SNAs All seeking to “rebuild biodiversity” in line with original methodology Each individual project addressing local issues or looking to deliver through a range of mechanisms
Protecting Wildlife for the Future South West Gloucestershire Nature Map
Protecting Wildlife for the Future South West Severn Vale Living Landscapes Project OBJECTIVES: To restore and create wetland habitats at a landscape scale To make significant contribution to 6 UK BAP habitats and at least 13 UK BAP species To help wildlife adapt to Climate Change by creating viable robust areas of interconnected habitat To establish a sustainable footing for the Project in the long term through socio-economic activity
Protecting Wildlife for the Future South West Connectivity Reverse Fragmentation –Within SNAs –Between SNAs –Between Regions To increase ecological viability of habitats To help wildlife adapt to Climate Change Climate Space – 400km northwards by 2080
Protecting Wildlife for the Future South West Making Connections
Protecting Wildlife for the Future South West
Protecting Wildlife for the Future South West
Protecting Wildlife for the Future South West SVLLP and Extreme Weather Events Improved soil structure helps absorb more water and attenuate run-off Traditional wet grassland management helps sequester carbon dioxide Floods of Summer 2007 unprecedented and Project could not have contributed to alleviating flooding Need to tackle cause in the upper catchment – i.e. Wales! Functionally need to look at a catchment scale
Protecting Wildlife for the Future South West
Protecting Wildlife for the Future South West Creating Diversity Currently 6 – 7 high quality wildlife sites in the Severn Vale, i.e. for breeding waders Project aims to increase the number of such sites Future floods might not be so devastating as summer 2007 during which there was little or no successful breeding by ground nesting birds
Protecting Wildlife for the Future South West
Protecting Wildlife for the Future South West
Protecting Wildlife for the Future South West