LE1-C1S2T1pg15-20 Ethics, Morals, Values
This lesson explains ethics, morals, and values as they relate to the Marine Corps.
Lesson Objectives Explain ethics, morals, and values as they relate to the Marine Corps. Identify the four professional beliefs and values of the Marine Corps. Understand how honor, courage, and commitment define the code of conduct for the Marine Corps.
CPS Key Word Questions (1-4) Key Words CPS Key Word Questions (1-4)
Key Words _____ - moral beliefs and rules about right and wrong. ______ - principles and beliefs concerning right and wrong behavior. ______ - moral principles and beliefs that a person thinks are important. ______ - being more concerned with the welfare of others than oneself. Ethics Morals Values Selfless
CPS Lesson Questions (1-2) Warm Up Questions CPS Lesson Questions (1-2)
Warm Up Question Think about a time when you made a hard but “right” (or ethical) decision. What motivated you? I just wanted to do what was right. I was worried about being caught if I did the wrong thing. I wanted others to see me as ethical. Other Example:
Warm Up Question A person’s guiding principles are sometimes called their _______. ethics morals values Example:
(Use CPS “Pick a Student” for this question.) Opening Question Describe one thing that you (or a friend) has done in the last year that you would describe as “ethical” behavior. (Use CPS “Pick a Student” for this question.)
Definition of Ethics and Morals _____ are a set of standards by which human actions are determined to be right or wrong, good or evil. Ethics ______ are defined as conforming to an established set of codes or accepted notions of right and wrong. Morals
Marine Ethics and Morals While there is no written list for ethical behavior for Marines, some standards have been established. A Marine’s word is his bond. Marines take care of their own.
Professional Ethics The professional values that are encouraged in the Marine Corps consist of the following: Loyalty to the Ideals of the Nation Loyalty to the Unit Personal Responsibility Selfless Service Self-Discipline
Professional Ethics Background The code of ethics of the Marine Corps is directly traced to the ________________________. Declaration of Independence A Marine must remember that their professional code must come ______ their personal values. before
Professional Ethics Loyalty to the Ideals of the Nation Loyalty to the nation means believing in truth, justice, freedom, and equality. For Marines, it means they are willing to defend these ideals, ideals for which many wars were fought, and many Marines died.
Professional Ethics Loyalty to the Unit Next to the importance of the mission, the most important thing for a leader is the unit. Conservation of lives Well-Being of their Team Development of a Cohesive Group
Professional Ethics Personal Responsibility Marines are obligated to accomplish their mission, attend to their commitments, and seek to improve themselves at all times. Leaders are responsible for their actions AND for the actions of those in their command.
Professional Ethics Selfless Service A leader’s actions and the unit’s actions should always reflect what is best for the Corps and the nation. Each Marine should strive to work harder than anyone else in the unit.
Professional Ethics Self-Discipline You should do what needs to be done regardless of stress, exhaustion, or other conditions. Pride cannot be taught, but it can be developed.
CPS Lesson Question (3-5) Example:
Lesson Question Which should come first? Your personal values Your professional code
Lesson Question As a leader, are you responsible for the actions of those in your unit? Yes No
Lesson Question True or False: Pride can be taught. True False
Core Values Honor Never lie, cheat, or steal Maintain integrity Respect human dignity
Core Values Courage Courage means doing the right thing regardless of the consequences, and taking responsibility for all actions. Moral courage, not physical courage, is what it takes to do the right thing in the face of adversity and disapproval.
Core Values Commitment Commitment is the spirit of determination and dedication within individuals. You have the responsibility to act in a manner that exhibits your dedication and devotion.
Values and Standards Legal standards are formal regulatory standards contained in law. Basic National values are established in the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and other traditions. Traditional Marine Corps values are required behavior for all Marines.
Values and Standards Actual Marine Corps values are the values that are functioning at the local units. Individual values are values held by the individual Marines involved in the situation. Institutional pressures are elements of Marine Corps policies, procedures, and operations that influence the ethical behavior of Marines.
(Use CPS “Pick a Student” for this question.) Closing Question What is one new behavior you could incorporate into your life that would reflect a commitment to the Marine Corps values? (Use CPS “Pick a Student” for this question.)
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